/smg/ - Stock Market General

Supreme gains edition


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First for cunny!

>GME peeks and suddenly dips from 5.99 to 5.86

Markets are going to all time highs by the end of summer

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first for nobody goes into gamestop at all how the fuck are they going up

Yas Forums niggers fuck off

Just bought my first option. Don't know what I'm doing

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The absolute genius, write this down

everything chart wise is pointing towards exhaustion. Down move imminent

>not buying GME puts
it's like you guys hate money. bow down and thank burry right now

>tfw GME put @ 5.86

I'm so fucking smart

I own 200 shares of USO because I'm retarded and don't know how the stock market works. How do I buy a put?

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my portfolio is looking so damn fucking good today and traded the fuck out of natgas.. hot damn.....

but still... honest question... Why the FUCK is AMRN still above $7????

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That's what he said.

Who cares lol just smoke some weed lmao don't think about it and just buy some Amazon calls

read The Greeks

I'm convinced that karma exists and your "luck" is tied to it.
The reason you get bogged is because you have too much negativity inside you and surrounding you. We need to be a little more positive friends. Stop laughing at others mistakes, share your thoughts on mooning stocks. Stop the hate. Literally change your altitude and stop thinking about your stocks dropping when you bought and rising when you sell and everything will be better.

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>gamestop up 17% today


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Tankers bro. King Boomer Jim Cramer shilled NAT after-hours Friday. My TK and TNP are moon

>Why the FUCK is AMRN still above $7????
You're shitting on the wrong stock mate.
That vpn nigger was someone else

can everybody pls sell their GME, I bought puts ~ thanks


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More like S L U T S

Yes. Heard that stated many times. Don't know what it means.

>he balanced his chakras?
>nirvana it

>tfw $147 car insurance payment

can we burn down the insurers too?

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Anybody know some site where I can check ratios of international stocks?

Is the GME dump possible by 5/1?

I've read aristotle socrates and plato
how does that help

alright guys. brainlet here. if i hit the continue button, what EXACTLY will happen if GME hits $10, and if they don't hit $10?

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>woman are making 4-8k a month being whores and selling feet pics on OnlyFans
>Yet we struggle to make even $100 on a good week

These feels are priced in.

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if you think this will continue go all in on SCO and see what happens

buy index funds dude cmon now

this is the same chick that does that cringe comedy on Instagram right?

>You're shitting on the wrong stock mate.
AMRN isn't that great of a stock.. imo.. still way overvalued... ima wait to see which stock the fucking discord trannies flood /smg/ with next to start shitting on that.. until then... AMRN is still a bit overvalued imo at 2billion

If it hits 10$ before 5/1 (won't happen) then you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. If it doesn't then your phone releases mustard gas and kills you instantly

you're kinda right, the market is just the collective feeling of the people involved, vibes matters and when the vibes are good the green line goes up.


thats a less than 1% probability play right there.

says what?

I just bought back an MA - Mastercard!

I sold at 275 and bought back at 263, pretty cool huh?

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if you put in all of the info it will tell you approximate change in value depending on price and date
its not perfect


Where my /sloth/ gang at?

lmao report them to the IRS


Ugly face

If it hits $10 before 5/1 you most likely 10x your money, when it doesn’t you lose all your money and it expires worthless

Will Oil go up tomorrow after todays price dump?

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Hurry up and get to 2877 ES! have a pattern day trader and need you to dump to 2840 before close so i can buy calls again to sell tomorrow!

here comes the gme dump

bros why isn't there a male version of OnlyFans so I can gain profits?

there actually is but its for the gay community

How would I do if MGM gets to $25 with this

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anyone looking for a quick gain. Nokia earnings in 3 days

yeah i'm not touching this shit because that doesn't make any sense

if it goes to $10 i make 10x of what? the 6 cents it costs?

if it doesn't go to $10 i lose 6 cents?

optionsprofitcalculator.com is no help either

in way over my head. this is how people lose their fucking house

sticking to NAIL

Sloths stink to high heaven, they're pretty nasty. Also they're ugly and lazy. Basically they're the animal version of the average /smg/ retard, except not quite as fat.

kek'd thank you for thinking he's not gay.


>AMRN isn't that great of a stock.. imo.. still way overvalued
I mean sure but I have a vague memory of you starting this meme to piss off that one guy.
I think you can stop now.
>ima wait to see which stock the fucking discord trannies flood /smg/ with next to start shitting on that.
Ok, have fun

if you just hit "sell" instead of "buy" call then you just immediately get free money as many times as you can click through it, choose one near the current price for more money

just harass them that they aren't progressive enough with their platform. Tell them they should accept all genders, just not female. Unironically reddit and twitter will be your back up

It explains it right here user.
Oof, user, hard cringe. Just yikes. Don't trade things you don't even begin to remotely understand.

gib name i want more money

>almost no stocks in the red
what the fuck?

Should I buy TTWO??

I did the earnings meme with TSM and it paid off. then i did it with INTC and got raped lmao

that's what i just said

are they announcing 5G?

Earnings reports coming in soon. Personally I'm selling tomorrow, waiting to see how prices move after the earnings, and maybe buy back in after.


Can someone red pill me on CVE

Kek, no they won't.

are you talking about the whole market or Take Two?

Fake news, it actually only faintly smelled like your average dog. And they aren't ugly or lazy, they just get sleepy sometimes.

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No need to disrespect, my guy.

Lots of big players in the at-large market. Not ttwo in particular.

Sounds like a buy to me

>he's a retarded bitch who fell for the chinese flu Armageddon meme

very very sad, see you bitch niggas at the highs (and beyond)

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Okay, you buy 100 contracts for 6 cents, as 100 is the minimum order. So for your $6 invested, these are your profits depending on what value it goes to.

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I've read about every article I can find about investing and I still don't understand how the fuck options work. What the fuck is a call? What the fuck is a put? How/why do I buy/sell one? I don't get it. Jesus christ, I don't get it. I haven't felt this retarded since I was a child in class struggling with algebra 2. I feel emasculated.

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Bears are actually cooler, they're just a bit rebellious like those 50's greasers n the motorcycle jackets.
But like greasers, it's a hard life for a bear to always be the counterculture element. If you think about it, stocks mostly go up. Options mostly expire worthless. You spend most of your life on the wrong side of the coin if you're a bear, and that must be very emotionally taxing.

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yeah, I took profits on my stocks today and am all in cash now, gonna wait out the next couple of weeks for earnings before going back in