Why is grayscale buying a fuck ton of eth?

Attached: grayscale.jpg (728x672, 136.58K)



flippening soon

Don’t they have a Ethereum ETF like the GBTC one?

No, buy they will launch Chainlink ETF soon

Smelly holding 60% laughing at retards throwing their generational savings to reach 1% of his tokens

some ERC-20 tokens are being proven to not be securities, ETH can scale, ETH's value is being acknowledged

Unironically bearish news. Just confirms fears that PoS is doomed to fail. By way of suffocating from lenders and stakingpools and investing firms buying up 1% of the circulation. Kek
Vitalik knows what hes fucking doing. You should too.

buy or sell for a brainlet please


Yes. ETHE.

sell $ETHE and buy $GBTC.

Institutional money is flowing into eth because of staking. It's the future of finance.

Because BTC, ETH and Link are gonna pump like u never seen before in the next 4 months. Was that a serious question?

why is their resistance at 200? everyone and their mother should be buying 32 eth right now. All of these hedge funds and vcs are investing in eth like it will become the settlement layer of finance.

If it does anyone who can stake will never have to work again

Anything below 5% is not dangerous. 30M eth is likely to stake (not in the first months).

The moon scenario was always an ETH ETF that holds $100B of eth, stakes and accumulates dividends.

love u too bro, shut the fuck up


Buying the wrong thing when they should be buying ADA

they need to buy clean ETH for ETHE or they are going to BTFO by the SEC
so many retards in this thread

i've never heard any buzz for ada. What is their next biggest release?

When staking goes live on July 30 we are likely to see a parabolic rise like nothing we've seen before. There is a decent chance eth will flip btc this year.

the question you should be asking yourself is why does a rag crypto newspaper have this scoop


>the question you should be asking yourself is why does a rag crypto newspaper have this scoop
the data is public and it was on r/cryptocurrency yesterday, I saw the thread


Look at their portfolio.
ETHE is down 7% for the trailing year and 82.5% since inception. They're probably just trying to average cost from the $1000 days and praying for a meteoric rise.

staking 32 eth is far from never have to work again

to be fair, no one but the most normal of normies were buying ETH at those prices

How is this not ultra bullish? This is rich people accumulating shitloads of eth...