NAT calls are exploding today from last week, older TK, BBY, GRPN calls also doing well also holding shares of a bunch of oil and cancer research.
Justin Anderson
TSLA 515 PUTS AMAZN 3000 CALLS INTC 67 CALLS one of them must print
Nicholas Powell
Quit being a pussy and enjoy free energy lil bitch nigga someday oil will be $500/barrel
Samuel Hill
Bigger than 2008 crash incoming
Jaxson Edwards
should I buy draftkings
Ethan Flores
Go sink a tanker
Josiah James
How do I invest in this? 8==D
Samuel Richardson
>Tesla meme stock This shit is doing random things, betting money on it is retarded >Amazon overvalued right now Earnings will be sick, but will lead into a short term correction, RIP calls >INTC maybe this one.
Asher Adams
Ladies and gentlemen, we are testing the high today.
Jordan Garcia
depends if you want to make it or not
Benjamin Bell
I’ll buy that shit when, I start moving the price of bitcoin with my orders and not a second before.
Grayson Lee
>100k bag holding just to make $250 a month WOW, DIVIDEND CHADS REALLY HAVE GOT THEIR SHIT FIGURED OUT!
The drop will be more and more brutal. I'd love to see all the fags crying here.
Brandon Parker
user companies are already well hedged they still making 50$ on the barrel that's why they won't stop production and they're ok with oik going negative
Results from USA testing of Remdesivir should be coming out this week--if shit is always "priced in" because us plebs are the last to hear about important developments, could this spike in Oil and Recreation (Hotels, Theme Parks, Theaters, etc) mean the drug is successful and the big boys are stocking up before word gets out?
literally just a boomer remover, my fucking sides dude. my parents got it and survived without any long lasting issues, no early inheritance for me i guess. idk whether to feel bad about that or feel good that i inherited good genes and will likely survive future plagues and thus be one of the few living males who can reproduce.
Ryder Nguyen
And Sweden had none. Your point?
Christopher Kelly
Fuck / marry Kill / Fuck and then marry
Jayden Nguyen
>buy the rumor sell the news remdesivir is a sham
Owen Adams
taking profits is never a fuckup, user
Sebastian Cox
You niggers are ignoring the most significant indicator whether stocks will go up or down. The weather. Nice day on the east coast - stocks go up. Rain or cold - stocks go down.
Hudson Turner
>social distancing, >only 1 random guy allowed per household >business closed, especially all the small ones >obligation to wear masks >borders hard controlled >airports closed >trains not fully operating >shopping mauls closed >cinemas closed >random 800m2 business regulation implemented and then called illegal by court >tourism not existing What will happen once the lift everything? Oh yeah, check out Singapore. LUL, fucking police state
Lucas Rodriguez
Or they trying to get goys to Fomo in to get out, it depends on volume on dark pool.
Blake Baker
everything is normal
Nathan Morgan
Fuck | Marry Kill | Breed
Grayson Rivera
>top left Pass >top right Cute would marry >bottom left Nice boobs but has crazy eyes, pass >bottom right Nice boobs but not a fan of her sloped head, pass
why do people still has the need to hide their money on an anonymous image board?like in real life where everyone try to hide their salary and end up being underpaid
Owen Mitchell
Who cares you are going to get it anyway eventually and guess what, nothing will probably happen. If you are part of the .5% who die, welp thats just how it goes
Andrew Stewart
no low volume gamma-delta flip yet, so surge to ath -->directly less likely :P it is highly likely bottom was in already
>Singapore More details? All i recall is they lifted it and got a second harder wave.
Jace Thompson
But the drug actually DOES show promise on patients who are on ventilators, and that could even mean it’s beneficial as a prophylactic before patients get that critical
AND their monoclonal antibodies have a good chance at winning