An EMP could destroy your crypto holdings. There isn't a more cuck investment
An EMP could destroy your crypto holdings. There isn't a more cuck investment
> he doesn't keep two trezors in RAID inside a farraday cage
You don't even do that, retard.
You know there is a bitcoin node running on the space station, right?
> implying
>An EMP that destroyed the crypto market would have no effects on stonks
Do stockfags really think this?
>Didn't ground his Faraday cage that he put on an insulating material
>Buy gold, buy silver
Ok boomer
An EMP would cause way bigger problems than meme coins getting wiped out retard. The entire financial system and global supply chains would immediately collapse. If you think this is a serious thread go hoard some boomer rocks, MREs and ammo you paranoid doomsday autist
lmao nobody cares about crypto trash, everything else would fall apart
if an emp manages to affect every computer and electrical grid in the world, not one single person will give a fig about crypto currency because they will be too busy trying to make a candle out of beeswax while fending off bands of feral niggers
this you retard, at least do it right
EMP can kill paper wallet ?
News to me
You know the entire world needs to get EMP'd at the same time for everything to be fucked right?
How do we know that it goes to datacenters?
God, can you imagine if ruskies/chinks knocked mutts off the internet, preferably for good? They'd become global heroes.
>you know, your Bitcoin wouldn't work if every computer in the entire world was simultaneously destroyed
Thanks just sold 100k
yeah because that totally isnt a doomer meme that also couldnt wipe out the stock market and digital banks as well
Not sure why non-Americans are so fucking obsessed with us. You literally don't even matter to us
fearmongering. and EMP that shut off the entire globe. yeah, it's just as delusional as a little flu kills every fucker alive. seek help
I don't doubt it. You're no longer a part of the human race after all. No longer "european", "african", "Asian" etc. Just an abomination of mixtures.
But i noticed OP's map portraying an EMP in muttistani.
When was the last time an EMP was detonated?
I propose we withdraw all military support pledged to NATO so that Eurocucks can gradually turn into Russian satellite states, that's clearly what the people want
Yeah, maybe then we won't be dragged into your falseflag wars for Israel and targeted by terrorists, like you want. Please do it before you invade Iran over WMDs again, or Venezuela for whatever dumb bullshit your puppet in command says.
Yes it is. Leave Europe now you fat fucking burgerclap interventionist muh freedumbs school shooting boomer nation.
Hey at least we're in agreement on that
I have a BMI of 21
no fun
not really
my sides, I'm stealing this
Ironic, people from Europe calling Americans mutts while looking at the EU gov and its future plans. And if your from Scandinavia, good luck protecting Norways oil reserves when your living next to a nation that loves nothing more to add it to their roster of energy production.
unironic brainlet post here but wouldnt an emp also delete all records of stonk exchanges?
are you suggesting we physically hold on to commodities like dying boomers?
Monero Paper wallet
Maybe if America stopped bombing every single fucking noneuropean nation, refugee waves wouldn't be in massive waves.
But no, mutts invading Iraq, propping up ISIS, creating the Taliban and Al Quaida, bombing Somalia, continually fucking up South America, funding balkan terrorists etc isn't what's causing this instability. You did "nothing wrong"
Funniest thing is that you mention Norway, whose biggest immigrant and refugee population is Vietnamese and somalis who came during the 70s and mid 90s respectivly.
Now why do you think that?