> 20+ Million unemployed
> all jobs gained since 2008 are now lost
> nationwide lockdowns
> stonks still going up
Fucking why?
> 20+ Million unemployed
> all jobs gained since 2008 are now lost
> nationwide lockdowns
> stonks still going up
Fucking why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Priced in
Is trick.
Stocks are a prediction of 3 months from now. According to data, the virus should be a little threat and that should be enough time for the unemployed to work again
In 2008 CDOs kept going up until the banks had secured their short positions, they just kept them pumped. Then...boom. Probably something similiar going on, investors unloading shit onto retarded retail customers thinking they are buying cheap stocks when the market is actually really expensive now.
The stock market is being so manipulated that it isn't even funny anymore. That is the jist of it.
Two actual reasons is that the government printing money and the people who are still working are paying into their 401k. The poor people got laid off the most.
But really it is just total manipulation.
CApital is flooding into US equities because the rest of the world is even more fucked than you can possibly image there is simply no where else to go
what are you going to buy bonds for """safety"""" yielding like 0.01% LMAO and the governments are all fucking bankrupt
The majority of those unemployed right now are people of insignificance that the nation doesn’t rely on.
corochan isn't going anywhere 3 month from now thought.
they only go up sorry
I took advantage of this opportunity instead of panicking and I now have set myself up better going forward. If you believe there will be an economic crash you basically will always lose. You have to risk to make it.
late stage capitalism
People are unemployed because the businesses they worked for are shut down. Some will come back, yes, but a lot might not. We also depend on those poor people to buy useless stuff at Walmart. The American "poor" is hardly poor, they have cable tv and internet and food and consumer electronics and cheap clothing. They do spend.
becuase fuck bobos
the economy is a giant meme. if you want power just recruit yougn men to fight for you and btfo the jews.
Doesnt matter if it goes or stays. It's literally just a flu.
How and who do i short make it as easy as possible
I feel shorting is risky unless you have some short with a really low downside like the swaps they bought in 07 on subprime mortgage bundles, because who knows maybe these anons are right and the government can keep the market falsely propped up for a really long time even though this. I mean they aren't wrong saying they'll just keep printing money. I don't know how long that actually works though.
I just have my money in cash until the dust settles so I can buy up what I think will be cheapies in 6-9 months. This is just going off what I saw in '08 and I'm not exactly an expert investor. If I miss out, then that is okay too because I made a conscious decision to lower my risk at a time where the market was being irrational.
stonks only go up, dumbo
Thought. It does in heat. Australia is the only country to worry in 3 months.
Priced in
If you don't think there's an economic crash coming, then you definitely will lose. This mentality only works when the world isn't being ravaged by a virus, factories shut down, people quarantined and defaulting on rent and loan payments. Buckle up buckaroos, it's gonna be a bumpy ride
The crash already occurred, and was priced in.
Those non essential staff people are the ones who buy the goods sold made in firms that employ the essential people.
Inflation. Stocks can lose value while the price goes up.
Crash already occured?
Haha, fuck me. Remember Crypto in 2018. Remember that drop in February? Yeah... already occurred.
GG fella, I hope for the best
You think 37% in one month is not already priced in? Give me a break.
So the Fed is an obvious culprit for softening the bottom, but I think a less discussed aspect is the record amount of shorts and put buyers for what is a clear and obvious impending recession. Every time stocks rise they get squeezed triggering another trend reversal. Ironically enough, if shorts were banned this thing would drop like a fucking rock. As it stands we have this awkward back and forth on comparatively lower volume than March.
So when will it drop? Well... basically when shorts no longer have any confidence.
BECAUSE OF ALL THAT BOBO ... the next phase will come just because there are people unemployed. Don't you get it? Your time is over. Your time meaning all the people doing jobs a machine can do better. It is happening.
I have 50K saved in cash. Should I start a business now?
I'm thinking about providing services for commercial buildings and undercutting, and then raising prices slowly by 2-3% over inflation a year to expand margins as things normalize. An unlimited supply of cheap labor would mean I can take on unlimited clients.
Even when it took that big drop, my portfiolio basically only reset to 2018. Everything went up so much last year I feel like we didn't see much of anything.
Literally a meme for people who want to dump their bags on you
>comparing stock market to crypto
Did crypto price in a fall that is entirely based in speculation?