Brainlet here. Are there perhaps underlying economic reasons for a collapse that covid is just a good cover for...

Brainlet here. Are there perhaps underlying economic reasons for a collapse that covid is just a good cover for? Are banks unloading their shit to retail customers and investors pumping the markets to secure their shorts like they did with CDOs back in 2008?

It seems crazy to me that we are almost at an ATH when things aren't doing so hot overall.

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Real Estate 100%
more and more

everything is connected
lazy to type

with jews, you lose.


(the guy you killed)

So these bankers and investor types that spend their whole lives on this shit have to know that right? So how do they unload their shit? I mean this makes no sense that the markets are approaching peaks again

Markets aren't dependent on labor. The price of assets simply goes up when there is money currency sloshing around in the system

I think there is something at work but I don't think banks and investors need to deploy tactics like that because normies wouldn't catch on anyway

Well isn't the American economy dependent on consumer spending though? I realize it is mostly lower income people losing their jobs, but they spend at places like walmart and apple and tj max and gas stations and whatever

So it's just people with FOMO buying now? I mean even if there was no covid the market is so high it seems strange to have people so excited to buy it.

The market is like 3 months ahead of the actual economy.

Well even Bank of America is predicting 10% unemployment through the year, so this would be well ahead of that, right?

75% of people in the USA don't give a fuck about coronavirus. I went to Walmart to see it for myself. My first time since February. I was the only person with a hazmat suit on. Half the people had masks which don't matter.

Until people start to die on a massive scale then no one will care and the stocks will go up.

Their estimate is S&P quite a bit lower

I'm at home with chest pains today, not sure if it's covid or my heart or non of the above. I don't know if I can even get to a doctors office and the ER would be suicide.

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Covid is a cover for money printing; they needed to mask it as a "care package"

wow she's really pretty

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i have been thinking about this question a lot.

this graph made it make a little bit more sense.

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How so? Can you explain? I see their GDP decline...

>So how do they unload their shit
The fed is buying "investment grade" bonds.
"Investment grade" companies are buying other companies so that they have more stuff on their balance sheet and emit more bonds.

Overall :
>If you are big, you make big money with big bets and the govt carry your risks
>If you are small, you make pennies and you carry all your risks.

What happens when a portion of those companies go broke or take major hits? Also what happens to the debt?

Why does he have 2 penises?

they're lil feet user

"she" is unironically a white man and he's built for BBC

>I went to Walmart to see it for myself. My first time since February. I was the only person with a hazmat suit on.

I think the government learned a lot about 2008. financial magic.
They are pretty much doing financial magic to stop a recession, but its all numbers.
They'll buy up all assets and the numbers will look good. give people free money or "stimulus" and get them to spend and buy the latest iphones and shit still. they'll lend all this UD to other countries, and, buy up private industry in bailouts.

So it wont look like a crash at all even if damage was done. it's just likely to end up like Japan with government owning most the stock market, deflation and no growth in wages for decades.

Interesting, yeah. Isn't it better to let it correct a bit though?

well then I guess that makes me a faggot. Fuck you, whatever is in that picture is pretty to me and given the chance I would fuck it.

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>banks unloading their shit to retail customers and investors pumping the markets to secure their shorts like they did with CDOs back in 2008

You answered your own question

Yes. The Fed is pumping up the markets. There's a ton of other stuff going on that would take weeks to research and understand, but Gregory Mannarino has a good take on it and he puts out two videos a day.

Credit crunch leads to liquidity crisis which is why the printers are going BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Listen. If politics world wide want to pull through with a hoax like this, banks are not to blame. What banks do (just like me) is take this situation and try to profit

dress like a whore
get treated like a whore


Without the printers we would be in another housing crisis, 2008 times 2. The only question is how long/how much they can print before they need to raise the rate and it all comes crashing down.

This is why growth is so shit since 2000. Bailout bullshit lets unhealthy companies persist. Average GPD growth since 2009 has been worse then the average during the Great Depression.

Bailouts is a mechanism for moving purchasing power from wageplebs to elites. Money loses value, assets gain value.