>mom gives me $100.000 to starts a business because im a 27.5 years old neet
Mom gives me $100.000 to starts a business because im a 27.5 years old neet
just learn to code
Normally I'd say buy a suit and apply for a job. Now? Start a graphic tee company hahaha
i wish i had a mommy like that
casino, all in on red
Don’t spend $100k starting 1 business
Be methodical and test before waxing the money, you don’t need more than $5k to get a business off the ground
If you’re desperate to spend the full amount, start 10 businesses and put $10k into each one. You might be luck and a couple work
Don't you're gonna waste it.
Just put $1000 into RSR and wait. Protect the rest from inflation.
or maybe save 30k for hookers and blow
imagine being 27 and still adding a .5 to your age. 10$ on a rope burn the rest
Small businesses are doomed to fail, they're a waste of money.
We use commas here in America
Buy bitcoin
My pops advice regarding starting a business was to do it with no cash assets. Have as little as possible and borrow as much as you can. That way if you go bankrupt (which is likely as businesses don't have the highest success rates) you lose very little. Losing your mom's $100.000 is going to weigh on you user.
he's gonna neck himself
many such cases!
I'd probably buy a fast food franchise or something, like Chick Fil A
>1 post by this ID
Yawn. Every time.
Well user i just wanted to add that you could try to invest a part of it in crypto
maybe even just 10%, but inform yourself
i already lost like $1k in 2016 from bitcoin. not gonna that.
i have dynamic ip
Shrimp farm.
How the hell did you LOSE money buying in 2016?
30 thousand link time.
Only literal children count half-years of their age.
if you lose 100k at a fancy casino, they'll provide you the hookers and blow gratis (assuming you're not a sperg)
lol this.
if you burn the cash at least you'll get warmth from the fire instead of nothing
which casino dude?
Chick Fil A is still open, drive-thru only. Unless you mean op would do so poorly it would immediately close
Amazon FBA, Dropshipping or anything ecommerce related that is fairly simple and can be started with a relatively low investment so you only spend a few thousand each time until you start getting consistent profits. Once you learn enough about business and make enough money with that (at least high six figures) sell your business and try starting your own brand instead of basing your business under someone else's conditions.
If you feel uneasy getting into business without much experience and no knowledge about sales look up Lex Deville in Youtube and try doing copywriting for a while. It's one of the most important skills you'll ever learn. He has some very cheap courses in Udemy ($10-$20) that are worth a lot more than he charges.
Or you could spend it in shitcoins and lose everything like a retard.
Give the money back before you lose it.
Here's the easymode: go to loopnet or crexi and find NNN tenants. This means the tenant will cover the building expensive, taxes, maintenance, etc. All you have to do is purchase it. Usually they are committed to leasing for 15 years. So just purchase any of those you want (dollar general, wall greens, domino's) and then take your 15%+ return on investment. Save that for a few years and then buy another one. It's literally that easy you just need the cash first.