Babby go waahh

babby go waahh

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these memes are getting unfunnier and more normalfag every day

T. Roastie

like 90% of huwite women then
OP pic is incel cope

/biz is the now officially the turbo normie central


Business and Finance

me on the left


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me with the mallet

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god I wish

"Incel" now includes above average, sexually active men who want a stable family and kids instead of meaningless sex with easily available females.
It's a cultural war thing.

Anus go pfffftttttttttt

ngl this is true

No lie married men are really just virgins

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Actually incels think that women need to be brainwashed (by jews presumably) to whores
They in fact need to be brainwashed NOT to be.

People unironically calling you "incel" are either simps or roasties.

>Let me brainwash your women not to be whores, believe me goy, it will all just fall into place

this is the worst shit i ever seen in my lifetime

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Pretty much. Nu-wojack was the beginning of the decline of wojack memes.



Bro wtf the cat isn’t dancing anymore? Cat kill??? :(

There is no need to turn your back to women. Just enjoy them as you please. Sluts, bookworms, tomboys, milfs. But never ever convince yourself 'this one is different'. She is not. Not the Asian, not the Christians, not even the virgins. In the end they are all the same. They have a mental limit.

They will never truly understand you can happily live in an empty (but clean) apartment. They dont know how it is to grind for years to build something. They cannot have deep abstract thoughts. They dont like to look inside. To analyze.

Enjoy them. But dont ever think they can love you the way you love them.

Thing is, we already brainwashed them in the right direction once and it stuck.
Then the jews (presumably) undid our progress. So now we have to start all over again, once the easy times pass and degenerate men hit the wall.

You know a meme is terrible when you kinda agree with the message and still find it cringe. This is like a PragerU boomer made it or something.

you also need to brainwash people to not murder

imagine being so pathetic that you need to fantasize about inflicting violence on women in order to compensate for your complete incapacity to affirm your own identity.

>incapacity to affirm your own identity
what do you mean by this?

We normal fags now. I work retail too. Feel the burn 2020


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>incapacity to affirm your own identity.
go on

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>Pretty much. Nu-wojack was the beginning of the decline of wojack memes.

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