Is it really going to go up for the seventh week in a row?

Is it really going to go up for the seventh week in a row?

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nope. the top just came in. nothing but red wojaks and candles from here on out.

Please be trips of truth and not trips of (((trouble)))

It's just the start, an entire month to go

BTC is a great way to get rid of money I guess


imagine thinking institutions won't dump their btc holdings for cashflow

I'm starting to believe,

That there are large groups of people that are forcing the price up, so when the halving happens they don't loose their control over the bitcoin price
By pushing it to $10,000 when it drops it will only around $5000-$6000 after halving. If it is at $6000 when the halving happens it will fall to $3000-$4000, causing new players to enter the price control game.

(in other news, water is wet)


Soros Unironically controls btc and most crypto assets by total market cap. He will do whatever he sees fit. Best to just hodl like a reddit retard and maybe make a big brained trade here and there during times like this

China has 70% hashrate
They probably are most of the volume too.
Why would that be user
Why they no buy up validators but instead buy btc

>Muah old yid
Just stay far away from eos and you are golden.

Another week of bear cope threads. I love it.

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If you look at the charts for the past few weeks and look at what has been happening almost every set of 3 or 4 days, you'll know what's coming next. Not going to say more than that.

Sure but then it will only go down to 7-7.2

It has only just recovered from the nothingburger virus.

On April 7th it was $7459 by
April 16th it dropped to $6468

Do you think this pattern will repeat soon?

Make that 107 weeks.

remember that bitifnex ( tether ) works with the Chinese miners

Attached: 164946464654.png (2548x3132, 791.74K)

the scam is so obvious

Attached: 165564565464.jpg (813x1141, 224.64K)

People have created a number generator that can be converted in to money
it's literally making money out of thin air for them

yes but the scam can only works as long as they can keep suckers coming with real money trough fiat pairs

YUP :)

You faggots have zero clue how Tether works. Keep getting scared and angry at those whale alert tweets when you have no fucking clue about what's truly going on. Let the big boys trade and work, you just sit there FUDing Tether you autistic freak.

I present you the Tether scam.

Attached: 606CC61C-9E1C-40B4-81D4-0B3A82F6581E.jpg (1026x518, 59.17K)

> never audited
> under multiple lawsuit
> proved to lack backing
> no longer claimed to be backed
> owned by the same jews who own of the major exchange

> You faggots have zero clue how Tether works

anyone with half a brain understand what's happening

Orrrrrr it just recovered from a covid drop which the market decided isnt that bothersome to crypto

Seriously you cucked bears do some Some mental gymnastics for why ur shit at trading

BTC is the archetype of Ponzi. a lot of ropes will be used when all the degen hopium tards get another beating down to 2k.

bitcoin go mo0n?

$35K EOY

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