Is 0xbtc a shitcoin pretending to be a meme coin? I don't get it, is Bitcoin on Ethereum a deliberate joke?

Is 0xbtc a shitcoin pretending to be a meme coin? I don't get it, is Bitcoin on Ethereum a deliberate joke?

Attached: 2837.png (200x200, 17.8K)

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> is Bitcoin on Ethereum a deliberate joke?
Yes sir, very funny joke. Buy now or stay poor.

>"I don't get it"
you clearly don't. do more research

>man, I wish I bought bitcoin back when it was being used to buy pizza.
>i'll just copy it over here, people buy knockoffs all the time

the fact it has "bitcoin" in the name should tell you everything. Just riding the brand name on a useless contract

>the fact it has "bitcoin" in the name should tell you everything.
0xBitcoin isn’t a project I’d heard of prior to researching this report, and even the inclusion of Bitcoin in its name made me a little dubious to begin with, if I’m honest. More often than not, any project that attempts to leverage Bitcoin in its name turns out to be at least somewhat suspect, if not an outright scam. However, I was pleased to find that this was absolutely not the case here, as you shall discover. In fact, this was one of the most interesting and unique small projects I’ve had the pleasure to research, though it is not without its faults, by any means.

Neither, in my opinion it should be viewed as a tech experiment, like people getting Doom to run on their refrigerator or something like that.
The inventor just took the bitcoin whitepaper and implemented its ideas on the ethereum blockchain. There's no point arguing about whether the implemented pow algorithm is reasonable or not, it just is what it is.
If you think it's nonsense just don't buy it.

nobody's confused and buying 0xbitcoin thinking it's bitcoin. people who like bitcoin appreciate 0xbitcoin having the bitcoin rules they know, but being an erc20 and thus tradable on dexes and settling in 15s.

>people who like bitcoin appreciate 0xbitcoin
tosti fucked up the diff adjustment though.

your comment tells me you don't understand the basic fundamentals of bitcoin. No point in feeding this pleb

I appreciate bitcoin. 0xbtc is just a cheap knock off on eth without much effort, 0 outreach, after 2 years 5k bagholders, 1 megaminer which mines all the coins and dumps every few days on the market and a diff adjustment which has a cap (how dumb) and takes ages to adjust to the mean 10 min. imagine that on btc...


It was a decently coded idea that 50x'd and then exited, just like all scam-coins.

buy UND before main net.

Why would I buy this?

Ethereum is a joke, so make your decision based on that.

you can't explain the supposed scam because it isn't a scam. there was no "exit". there's no secret "take all the money" function in the smart contract.

Attached: scam.jpg (750x268, 25.54K)

dunno, i can't read your mind.
personally i think it sucks if somebody declares himself king and generates a bunch of tokens in a microsecond and starts selling them for real money based on special authority.
that didn't happen with 0xbitcoin. nobody started out with all of it. everybody started with zero.

0xBTC is not a scam
the same way OMG, XRP, Bob's Repair (BOB), TRX, XVG, etc, are not scams.

ethereum is groundbreaking tech that is allowing things to happen in software that have never happened before, like "servers" that do useful stuff, and can be trusted, but do not actually exist in the physical world and cannot be shut down. that's not a joke.

0xbtc is still, to this day, the worst idea I've ever seen in crypto.

It's basically a coin that does nothing over any other Ethereum ERC20, except they have simulated artificial mining to distribute the tokens. And worse still, some people strongly defend it like mining-based distribution is what gives crypto value. Literally no one gives a fuck except a minuscule minority of purists.

I only realized how stupid the crypto community can be when people genuinely thought this would appreciate in value.

we'll see.

its a simple scamcoin, it has no pretensions to be anything more. bazingacoin this, all the other shilled pumped pointless shitcoins that have come and gone. Only Eth and Link matter and beyond that the dying dino BTC

funny term for curry and shit covered indians

scam scam scam scam scam, hahaaa, wheeee.
it's fun to say random words, isn't it. poopity scoopty.
on biz you never have to try to make any sense, or even read the thread.

5 rupees have been deposited to your account

Buy 0xmonero. Its monero on eth. Fair launch. Like 0xbtc it does nothing but its monero on eth

that's it, there you go. feels good to pretend that other people are indians, doesn't it?
it'll really make it all better!

give me a good reason to buy 0xBTC over BTC

unlike btc, 0xbtc is trustlessly tradable on dexs.

You are a prime example of such a brainlet.

> Muh King
> Muh special authority
> Muh everyone starts with zero

Pro tip: Look at the top 100 projects by marketcap. That's ample evidence that no one gives a shit about any of that. Projects gain value through either direct ROI (such as staking), tokenomics that increase demand vs supply, and/or through partnerships and adoption.

0xBTC actually goes in the opposite direction as it's an inflationary asset, unlike the vast majority of large caps. Why is it an inflationary asset? Because it has artificial mining. Why does it have artificial mining? For no reason other than muh fair distribution.

Mining is a BAD THING for crypto price appreciation. All projects are better off without it. But they only have it because it's essential to secure the network with PoW. Meanwhile 0xBTC has actually ADDED THAT IN VOLUNTARILY for no reason other than fair distribution, and they somehow think that package will lead to 0xBTC mooning.

I can't quite put into words how brainlet that is.

i said we'll see, dickhead. it's your armchair prognostications versus the actual future. we just have to wait and see. i get your opinion.