/smg/ - Stock Market General

June edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


Prior thread:

Attached: the biggest short.png (858x1000, 800.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for BOBOs on suicide watch

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LCI to $60

just sit back and chill

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Thats a good book and a good film.
I have read the book and seen the film.

>GEX is falling which means that S&P 500 is supposed to follow suit soon
>DIX is plummeting which means short volume is falling aka people are buying less
>Earnings season is in full swing with big names like Apple and Alphabet announcing their quarterly reports
>POMP is scheduled for Monday
How do you guys think this week is going to turn out? Is it a good time to buy TVIX and SQQQ or not? What companies are you expecting to have shitty earnings?

Way late brutha, just recycle

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delete your shit.
your op is gay.
you didn't link in the previous thread.
and you're gay.
think about it

Attached: seriously.gif (300x224, 698.54K)

>Apple disaster earnings
>Facebook crab
>Tesla fail but stock holders blinded
>Google epic profit decrease

too late, this thread won lol

Priced in.

Fuck your Vanguard ETF

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Do we all just wanna reply to each other posts with priced in?

I expect oil to go negative again this week. Stocks will crash as well. ALL IN ON TVIX BABY

We about to get a short opportunity in futures. Wait for my signal

Also priced in.


Go back to plebbit bobo

See you at the top. I'll post my results and brag a lot when it spikes.


If I bought 10k worth of CCL last week am I going to be rich? asking for a friend

Isn't TVIX good for day trading? It measures short term futures so if you have a lucky streak then you can ride the waves and make a series of small but growing returns, right?

It's coming. Watch the Russell 2000 either M2K or RTY

I know it's coming, just wait for the trend to be established and resistence being broken.

I'm looking for a pullback above 1245 before going in

Oil is down 11 percent.

can you link a good chart?

well fuck. 1243

Priced in

clearly there's a thread that is already spiritually /smg/, I think we should migrate

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In at 1243.2


jesus christ the fucking pajeet is back

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WHAT do we think about Generac, smg?

I know of some norcal folks getting these put in, do you think they might get even more innstallations as people are spending more and more time at home?

They also run off natty gas, so I could maybe see the cheapness of natty working in their favor.

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This summer is gonna be insane. I'm not some Yas Forums schizo but people are already protesting lockdowns, I'm on their side but reopening has its own cost. Infections will spike again, people will be reluctant to go out, that's all it takes for a small business bloodbath. Big business will get stimulated to infinity, but we'll soon see the resulting inflation. Even though I've been expecting this I'm still terrified, it's like barricading your house for a cat 5 hurricane.

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they just want haircuts bro

>speaking in more or less proper grammer
>not shilling anything
who are you calling pajeet?

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you're going to lose 35+ dollars per share tomorrow. screenshot this

Ironic how mad they're going from not being able to work. Ironic how I got called boring. Yet I sit here happy and enjoying for the most part since becoming a neet last year.

you, you're as worthless and persistent as any street shitter.
it's really an easy mistake to make.
stop splitting the thread with your fucking garbage pajeet

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Attached: I gotta sever the hard line.gif (500x250, 1.3M)

>make shitty and random projection
>"screenshot this"

some red candles emerging, lads

And I'm out at 1242.3 easy money

what are your secrets

kek that was a joke not thread split, if you moused over the link you'd understand that.
Unless you're a humorless faggot...

you're acting like an assblasted austist
screenshot this

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