2020 predictions

Hey fags,

I attached a screenshot for proof that I am an original link marine. Anybody can send bs wallet screenshots. If this is not good enough, then I can take a pic of this screenshot (original convo got deleted) with a poster stating whatever you guys want. It is 100% real and I have proof of other predictions. I’m a Tezos ICO donation investor. Went heavy on ETH before the 2017 run and diversified around until the crash. Held mostly XTZ/LINK until 2020.

I have now begun my 2020 and beyond portfolio. I just want to say the quality of this board really went to shit. So way to go dumbasses.

Anyways, give me some good reasons to throw out 2 original predictions for the best 2020 plays. I will give bonus predictions also.

1 of these is guaranteed to never be posted anywhere on this board until I post. The other I’ve only seen once but I don’t frequent here much in recent years.

Anyways, keep being fags and pajeets. Congrats to anybody who got rich of Link. Still amazes me that $1000 at $0.15 has gone such a long way. Same with ETH/XTZ.

Also ETH is gay but 2.0 will boost that shit above $1000 EOY.

Attached: FF26D4F5-B483-4DEC-AFA2-3F719969208A.png (750x1334, 212.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


well, spill it if you want. Im all ears.

considering Vitalik has confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chainlink is centralized and will NOT be the "one" oracle solution... I highly doubt doubt any of your predictions are correct.

Attached: vitalikchainlinkscam.png (713x216, 22.03K)

So you got like what $50k gains? Not bad.
Out of curiosity where are you lurking now? I’m passive in investing and speculation and busy with my business but I come here from time to time to check on the consensus. It’s got worse after the 2018 crash, sadly

Nice call mate!

Do You Like Cardano?



I rode cardano from .14 to .54 overnight. I can’t begin to describe the kind of high that was. It will drive you into complete delusion. Never thought I’d work again, big wake up call. Trees don’t grow to the sky

you like THETA?
how about KNC?
what about ENJ?

How high can LINK go?

Always appreciate some diamond in the rough in biz, would love to hear your perspective for 2020. Thoughts on ZEC?

Well if people here give me a reason to drop gems, I will. I’ve spent thousands of hours doing research over the years. So all I want in return in some persuasion.
Vitalik is a goof. Link is centralized and honestly your guess is as good as mine for the future of link. I never predicted to invest now. I did at $0.15 dummy. I would recommend anybody who bought that cheap to sell off 20% and ride the rest out
I don’t want to talk about my gains. It doesn’t really matter. Let’s just say I put a lot more into XTZ ICO than Link or anything else. These gains have been compounding since I bought ETH in March-May 2017

Right On Fren.

I hopped on the ride at 3 cents

Looking forward to this thread.

Attached: c46.jpg (429x343, 32.85K)

>Anyways, give me some good reasons to throw out 2 original predictions for the best 2020 plays.
OP, there is no right answer to this. I'd like to hear what you have to say, but I don't know that any reply you get is going to satisfy your conditions.

ADA is a shitcoin that isn’t a shitcoin if that makes sense
CEO of t Mobile is a national treasure. I’ll never leave. 15 years strong
KNC is the least shitty of those. That’s all I’ll say. Overall my money wouldn’t get close to any except that one and even not KNC
LINK is the only coin the can hit $1,000 or $0.01 EOY. Who knows what will happen. Seems like it will surge again soon.
Funny you mention ZEC. I noticed it was under $30 recently and scooped some up. One of the better buys on the market rn IMO. Under $50 is a steal. Up to $100 is still smart money. Zooko is top 10

You know what.. fuck it. I’ve been accumulating enough and honestly this prediction will likely catch so much shit from biztards. Come back tomorrow and I’ll post a proper prediction with a fundamental breakdown

Having a convo means shit. That’s not proof.
I’ve sent multiple emails schilling link very early.
Doesn’t make me any smarter then the next user.
You probably sold at $0.50.

t.240k wallet at 2k sats

Hmm persuasion. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. You’ve made good $$, I have not. Yet, for some reason we are both inclined to seek anonymous discussion with people in a literal chatterbox environment. Reflective of the human nature we will consistently share forever, despite the fact that you may have “made it” and I have not. I care about all humans, user. If you’re willing t reciprocate by sharing potential moonshots I’d love to hear.

oh fuck off ffs

Do you use any TA or are you just looking at tokenomics and fundamentals?
Can you give a good starting point on what to look out for while researching?

>doesnt say anything besides "hurr durr it can go either up or down"
fuck your gay larp
fuck you op you faggot

Doesn’t matter man. Find another thread then. Could careless if you value my opinion or believe me. Here’s more proof of link and Tezos shilling on reddit a year ago. But yeah sold at $0.50 ..


That’s one of my throwaways on Reddit. Scroll down and you’ll see me getting downvoted for shilling XTZ before it blew up


Why? What's stopping you from posting whatever you're going to post here and now?

Checked but sage.

Come back tomorrow. I’m building some hype and pissing off pajeets for the night. Tomorrow I will drop gems. If you guys like, then I’ll drops a gem every few weeks. I have a few solid unknown choices and some that have been shilled.
You have to use TA for timing and FA for figuring out what’s worth it. My advice is that if it fundamentally is not something you want your money invested in for 5-10 years then don’t touch it even if the technicals look great.
My strategy has changed A LOT over the years. I made and lost a lot of money many times. Finally cashed out at a good point. Redid my portfolio and ready to shill 2020 bags

Because not everybody is aware yet or even awake. I want to give at least 12 hours for people to take notice. Both of these that I will drop this week are small caps and can blow up quick.

I just want to be fair and let Yas Forums regulars have the chance to catch real gems right away

Go back to plebbit fagboi.

Hey thanks a lot user. That does help me a lot. My money is just Parked in good FA high cap coins and btc but never considered TA timing to be critical with low caps. Thank you this is going to help me a ton

Oh don’t be like that. Reddit and Yas Forums are both lame now. It’s not 2013-2017 anymore. I thought we could bond over t mobile tuesdays :(

>give me a reason to drop gems,
You desperately want and need (you)s, to justify those thousands of hours of research.
trying to build hype so you can dump bags is so 2014. Something like 95% of the crypto market is scams and dead projects at this point.

>So all I want in return in some persuasion.
If you want the board to become more high quality, as you yourself said it went to shit, shouldn't you start by posting high quality stuff? Otherwise, you've just created another gay LARP thread, contributing further to its decline.

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If you want a safe play for 2020 then just all in ETH at $200. Nothing better or more safe right now. I did a 5x margin at $130. Have proof of that also. But need to save some proofs for other posts.

Just trying to repay my dues to biz. Lost a lot of money cause you faggots but made much more. So thanks

Come back when you joined in the 2017 and spread the pre-sale links like me. Don’t waste your time here. FUD is at all time high. Focus on yourself.

Yeah but I also have no prepared a proper breakdown yet and want to build hype for the night. Anybody who doubts won’t return. Anybody who believes will check back for me tomorrow when I drop a gem. I’m good for it and then after that you guys won’t have to doubt me or the quality of my posts

I'll be checking back user. Pls deliver

Honestly I stopped checking this board after the crash. It went to shit and that’s saying something for a board that was already shit. Lol we have to bring it back man. 2017 was a good year for Yas Forums but after the summer it started going down fast

yeah youre a faggot, no one is gonna remember you. "hur dur it could go up or down XD"

you have a big ego, but if you were actually intelligent youd have invested a lot more than $1000 on Link

At least wsb still fun

I was basically locked in XTZ ICO with 90% of my funds for quite some time. So I got fucked on that yea you’re right. I should went in heavier on a small cap shitcoin like link. Lol I wouldn’t have done more anyways even if I could. LINK is still a shitcoin regardless of how well it’s done

Don’t be mad buddy. You can find other threads. Bump my shit or piss off ya wanker

I will be checking back, gem threads are few and far between and ill at least appreciate the attempt at a gem.

Can you give a timeline on your return? Like 12 hours from now? I can’t watch biz all day like I used to

Dw I saged. And yeah I know, even in that reddit thread you linked to show how smart you are, you are shilling tezos 9 months ago. you made money from the work of other intelligent anons a couple years ago, not your own.