What's the proper way to quit a job?

What's the proper way to quit a job?

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Two weeks notice if you want to actually use the place as a reference

Two weeks notice

just don't go to work. they'll figure it out eventually.

You really dont know?

just ghost their dumb asses desu

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Wind one down on the boss's desk


This is the biggest boomer lie ever. Legally speaking all the company can share when you put them down as a professional reference are the dates you worked and the titles you held. Literally anything else opens them up to illegal shitstorm and no HR department worth its salt is going to tolerate that.

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Depends on the industry. Very naive to think people don’t talk.

Fart really hard and loudly at a staff reunion and claim "pee pee pooo pooo".
Then leave forever

Rub one out on your bosses desk and tell him your linkies stay stinky and be out

Probably would reconsider quitting with a looming, potential economic collapse. I don't think you qualify for unemployment when you quit either.


2 weeks and lots of thank yous.

dying while working

Boss gave me a confidential separation agreement which I am supposed to sign cause I resigned from my position.

So if I don't sign it I did not resign?

Have a shit on his desk

just stop showing up

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Show up every day and do nothing until they quit paying you.

Then you get unemployment

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Don't sign it unless it includes money.

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Stop working, but keep showing up and collecting your paycheck.
Literally free money.

Send a text

>ur 2 needy, its over bb

ask your coworkers that you have had a crush on for sex

this but do like 1 hour of work or something a day. for a better reference get sick, take sick leave, then come back and do 1 hour of work a day. if your boss asks why the decrreased perfomance, call out fatigue from the sickness. eventually they will lay you off but at least your boss will feel sorry for you and not give you a bad rec because evnetually you will probably return to your old self and not fatugued

Show them how to stake SUTER and then accidentally show your staking stack


tell your supervisor. write a resignation letter or fill out their official form if they have one. then do your time. it is quite simple. the letter aint much 'as of date user formally resigns from user's position at skelelburg incorporated' signed dated delivered. burning bridges is fuckning retarded. play the game until the end.