Reddit is waaaay better than Yas Forums for information gathering. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
Reddit is waaaay better than Yas Forums for information gathering. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
It's true. But Yas Forums sucks because of the shills who you don't know are shills. The fakeness of it all. Reddit you can see any good information by upvotes and its true anything that sucks does get downvoted.
i still like mine better
We are doing this on purpose. If you're and oldfag then you know. Any newfag will fall for PNK,ARPA,LIT shills. We made Link. We can do so much more, just don't tempt us.
This pretty much.
if you can't detect the difference between a sales pitch and a genuine statement then the problem is you
correct, this redditor predicted that the Google partnership was fake and that Chainlink would dump. He posted this at $4.5, then it crashed to $1.8. Then the Google partnership was also later confirmed to have been fake.
>>reminds me of iota
based and 2017 pilled
>he didn’t research PNK or LIT
Reddit is censored, unimaginative, uninspired normie trash. Sounds perfect for you. You have to go back.
Do you Encounter capturing and deciphering information difficulty?
@TACHYON protocol brings you relief with their concurrent multi-routing and multi-relay forwarding scheme.
go back then
The problem comes with rumor or anything that can be contested. Retards on reddit just downvote thing they don't agree with, and you end up in a beautiful hivemind with a restricted point of you on your subject.
tl;dr: reddit is for retarded snowflakes
Reddit is basically society, most of it is reliable because people want to get upvotes and that retarded shit, but Yas Forums is the core of it all.
We make events before it became news, we created crypto. No cencorship.
The only reason redditfags hate Yas Forums is because they try to become popular here but fail because everyone is anonymous. Go back fag
>implying sergey didnt buy a bag of pnk
Your is shit.
Yas Forums is pure and unfiltered. There's a lot of value to that, especially in crypto which is heavily dominated by shills
>updoots equal true
why redditniggers will never make it, you are simply sheep.
but this is 4channel (formerly Yas Forums)
Cryptoreddits are even saltiers and full of dumbfucks than Yas Forums these days, they're not even funny.
Aside of the linkcancer and occasional retards like the dude who was bragging about doing meth for $20/h yesterday, Yas Forums became pretty cool.
>occasional retards like the dude who was bragging about doing meth for $20/h yesterday
That was a hilarious thread. Fuck you.
>for information
No shit Sherlock. Yas Forums doesn't have a wiki function.
He was getting paid to do meth or he was at some kind of meth buffet?
He was working 100 hour weeks and bragging about how much money he made at a big 4 firm or something and someone calculated it to $20 per hour after he posted his annual wage.
>if you can't detect the difference
it's emotion, what do i win?
Why are these off topic threads the only ones that don't get deleted? Are the trannies in charge of cleaning up this place also redditors? Wouldn't surprise me.
This is entirely true. This board was once good and is now populated with tweaking underage shitcoin "investors" with the attention span of semi retarded goldfish
Based and redpilled. Learn the information for yourself so you can wade through the bullshit and deceit. Yas Forums is far better training than any other website because it improves your intuition and financial survival skills.
It is but where Yas Forums shines is not in info gathering, it's in pure chaotic competition of ideas, strongest ideas always come out on top