Ate a whole cheesecake again

>ate a whole cheesecake again

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That's cool fren.

Its nice to treat yourself sometimes!

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I ate a whole chocolate pie today. 3100 calories. no fucks given. just work out hard and get strong.

one slice of cheesecake is a treat, an entire cheese cake is gluttonous

what a manly action.

fat fucks.


>I accidentally ate another jar of peanut butter again

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>Come on, man. I ate a whole bag of dicks today and I'm going to be the next president of Iowa.

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It's ok fren, life is inherently meaningless and in the end, it doesn't matter what any of us do.

>HEROIC: 79-year-old man with Alzheimer's goes on nationwide tour to raise money for the health insurance industry

I ate a whole pizza again!

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>Work out 6-7 days a week
>Ate an entire pizza and drank 6 beers on Saturday night

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>t. Fatty

well said fren

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Sounds like a solid bulk. What's the problem? You have taken the bloatmax pill right user?

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I do this and I'm fucking 130 pounds
except the drinking beer part I don't want breasts

>130 pounds
what are you like 4 foot tall?

you should at least go for the breasts, because you're not getting any pussy

I'm skeleton
seethe fatty

I’m 135 pounds and 6 feet tall

Business & Finance

same based skelebrother


to make things even worse I have bad face, chest and back acne......


Get off your ass and go walking/swimming and lift weights.

>blood when I wipe my ass again

Its been getting worse for years, I Unironically don't tell my doctor because I'm hoping its caused by something that will kill me and by the time it gets so bad I get diagnosed its too late

I ate a whole avocado yesterday.

Krohns Disease maybe?
I shouldn’t have laughed but I did. Hope u have good insurance 1month for pills is $900 and that’s for life


stop eating any kind of sugar / carbs and go keto, you'll feel much better after a while.

Doubt it, I only show a few signs of it.

Can it kill people?