And why is it the PAMP kilo bar?
What is the most based silver bar to stack?
op is a literal faggot
That's a woman
This can't be real...
Engelhard or nothing.
Also, christcucks are some of the world's biggest faggots, so pic checks out.
That pic physically hurts to look at.. .
Way to self cuck yourself out of the gene pool.
White people are simply too soft and beautiful to exist in this world.
I think you mean stupid.
>stacking with anything but scottsdale stackers
>What is the most based silver bar to stack?
None really and I say that having peth kilo coins, euro kilo bars, maples, philharmonics, britannias all that shit. I got it from idiots who bought it in the last silver scam and sold it to me crying because they were poor had bought a big lump of silver for too much and when they needed cash and had to sell at far less than they paid, I offered them 40% of spot. This shit I don't even like and I have something like I don't know 30KG of it, I like good hallmarked antique silver. As an investment? Laughable. Its an inconvenient, heavy off book asset. Why do I have it? Literally because I have everything I want and more and I did it on a whim. I say that owning more of it than most of the 'stackers' on this thread can imagine in one room. The idea of people in rental with credit card debt buying physical silver is fucking comedy
It would be silly to call the race that invented almost all technology stupid. The problem is that our high intelligence is at times trumped by other characteristics, such as high empathy.
nigga shut up
gotta keep the stacks to ourselves
Actually buying PMs could be a great idea if you have a lot of debt. Because it's difficult to repossess PMs, unlike money in the bank.
(Obviously paying off your debt can be a good idea if you want to preserve your credit rating, but once you've fucked it up good and hard, keeping your assets hard and off the books might make sense)
It hurts
I bought a couple stacks on credit ngl
My 740 hasn’t been hit yet, but I know it will because of the utilization
Oh also poorer spendthrift types actually potentially benefit from buying PMs more than rich people or those who are ordinarily inclined to save.
Sure it's possible to bring your silver and gold to an LCS and change it for dollars, but it's not as easy as spending cash. Even if the average low-information consumer loses big time on PM premiums and loses even more if he has to cash out due to unexpected expenses or insufficient cash savings, chances are the average stacker, even below-average stacker still saves more than the average person who doesn't stack.
Good stackers who buy sensibly and avoid premiums probably save more in PMs than they would in cash for good reasons, like feeling motivated to save by avoiding inflation, while poor stackers are still even more likely to save because people who aren't good with money are likely to spend their money every month.
The kind of person who stacks insensibly due to lack of discipline probably spends cash even less sensibly when buying disposable consumer goods, and still likely ends up ahead of where they'd be without stacking. Example: gullible fags who buy tons of expensive batbois because frosty xD and maymay xD and everyone else is and because they are swayed by memes are probably the same sort of people who used to blow literally all their money on bullshit. So they buy a $150+ coin with only $80 of real money value, but they'd probably have spent that on vidya or takeout or drugs or something anyway.
>100 troy ounces
That's insane
anybody can invent technology when given a free two continents' worth of resources.
Okay Chang.
Everything has a price, nothing is free.
Who gave them a continent? They walked there and discovered winter.
The continent we all originated from was so abundant with food and resources that it's people never had to plant a seed. They struggle with the concept to this day...
>Its an inconvenient, heavy off book asset
>The idea of people in rental with credit card debt buying physical silver is fucking comedy
Sotkamo silver
don't be racist yt bread
anything except 1000 oz chad bars is COPE
cant believe no one said britannia bar
>be African
>be most resource rich land on earth
>still live in mud hut
>drink blood out of a freshly killed baby before going to war
>make fly burgers
>carry wheel barrow under one arm, sack of bricks under other
>aNybODy CaN iNVEnt tEChNOlogY
>implying Europeans didn't fight constant destructive wars and nendure constant famines and diseases
kek, European peoples didn't get anything for free.
>heres you three niglets mr cuck now get out of here
>that'll be $30,000 for the hospital stay