How do you cure depression?

How do you cure depression?

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Give yourself goals and aspirations; improve yourself.


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Amounts of minor physical comedy
Ironic comedy
Dark humor

Convert to Islam

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mushrooms and weight lifting
we have this thread every week

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Accept it, dont try to fight it. Let yourself be consumed by it, experience it and cry and feel the pain. Your mind is trying to telk you something is wrong, and is telling you need to change something. Only way to know for sure what it is is to let it in.


I play with myself

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Learn to love yourself. Do something you're proud of. Sounds gay I know, but it works.

>How do you cure depression?
By finding a life partner who cares about you

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you don't have to do it all at once but: work out, eat better, stop fapping, talk about your feelings, and sleep normal times. do some until you can do all.

How come all that bullshit didn't work for you?

is that a ghost in the background?

>stop fapping

>How do you cure depression?
Our serotoninergic pattern to Amigalda is fucked user
OCD suffer here... I have tried anything... I wouldn't want to go to prozac route cause my dick will stop working

Why can't you just take some serotonin pill

Depression is a meme. Fix your life you fucking faggot.

WTF my brother literally has the same life. Works all day only to come home with a literal cow who didn't clean all day. Fucking cunt sits on her ass on her phone while watching Netflix

>the ghost

Oh shit I just realized that

>How do you cure depression?
Our serotoninergic pattern to Amigalda is fucked user
OCD suffer here... I have tried anything... I wouldn't want to go to prozac route cause my dick will stop working


Become rich

Suprisingly it went away when all this corona shit started

By selling Chainlink and never looking back at that shitcoin

Simply put, by re-evaluating and re-assigning the baseline, because to depress from something is to move away or down-pedal from the assigned base.

A teenage girl losing/breaking a phone in sub-urb standards in contrast to a teenage girl losing not having dinner/supper in an underdeveloped country standards.

with focus on doing great tasks

focusing on being depressed is also a great task btw

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>Why can't you just take some serotonin pill
because serotonine depletes fast... that's why you need somenthing like MAO that blocks the degradation of Serotonine
And other SSRI
the concept is to let the serotonine stay as long as possible in the sinaps
and to enhance the sinapsys in order for them to be able to catch the sero better
If no serotonine... the messages goes to AMigalda.. which causes various feeling of depressio stress and anxiety
and adrenaline release
we are ill..mentally ill and there is no cure
CBT is a meme
CBT MUST be applied along with work out fasting and pills in order to get your life back

>Depression is a meme
This is what an ignorant person would say.
A neuroscientist who has analized brains at scan would disagree

Everything is just cope the only solution is to get rid of the (((people))) who are the poisoners of our spirit. Until we do we will always feel no matter what that something extremely important is missing. It is god. They keep us from his light and is why we are depressed. They promote Satan to us which is their god.


St johns worts is fucking ace. Improve self image by getting jacked. Work on stuff u enjoy. Dont be a cuck.

>A neuroscientist who has analized brains at scan would disagree
Wow, depressed people's brains look different than a happy person's brain. Your face would look different than normal too if you saw two gay men fucking and had a healthy reaction.

Doesn't change the fact that depression is a meme. Fix your life and your brain will pass Jewish scans with flying colors.

FUCK you warm-showering unfocused idiots trying to blame things &/ take useless pills for your own lack of focus on great tasks

don't expect a response from me until after you've taken a ICE COLD shower and focused the fuck up on something relevant