/smg/ - Stock Market General

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Add Weekend DOW to OP.


Trade binary options for a couple of hours every sunday and take the rest of the week off!

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Bullniggers are FUCKED. Hope you got your shorts in.

Fuck off with that meme shit, newfag.

What's the food equivalent of cypro?
On cypro I only came like 4 times so far and most of it was when I was asleep.
Actually since I started cypro it's been 6 times. 3 wet dreams, one fap 1 week in. 1 fap two weeks ago with gf and one randomly after seeing a dead body of a kpop idol.
My question is how do I suppress hunger?

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yay we did it

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Whens it habbening

You can't escape your destiny.

You must work fast food again!

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Hope no one had anything in DO, they just filed for bankruptcy

someday I will be intelligent enough for vicky
maybe the next time I take some mushrooms I'll try it

if you're hungry, just eat healthy food
if you drink soda, cut it out

Any RTX chads our there? I’m looking to convert my my link stack to RTX, sometime after link hits ~4.20. Thoughts?


Which of these will increase my gains?

Where my leaf bros at?
You fucks buying ETF's or fat divvy stocks?
Canada strong, we going to be back to normal faster the US and Euro bros. Ol' J.T is keeping us paid and fed until this has blown over. We will be back to work (lol slaves) just like it was before, rent ripples will be light and housing market will slow a bit. Careful with REITs right now, I think. Guves banks a bit of space to navigate through those ripples.
How do you feel about energy? I'm getting bullish for more local manufaturing and shipping, energy should rebound fast here. AB is even paying to clean up old shit to make the lands usable for more projects and shit. 2020 is the year of Canada

You guys know we’re hitting circuit breakers this week, right?

d-downward, right?

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God I hope so. A limit up on overnight or premarket and then the dump to rule them all. The blackest monday

What's the trigger though?

B-Bullchads... I’m getting nervous... anyone else hear clacking?

death numbers and case numbers start to fall for multiple days in a row, people start selling, booom
big down towards 2300-2400

It always happens when no one expects it. Thats when you know its the big one.

Are RTX and BAM actually good long term holdings or is it just a Yas Forums meme?

This is the next weed market

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What happens to the market?
What happens to Gilead?

Just delete your app, bro. Simple as.

I think the trigger will actually be mediocre tech earnings, and then people fleeing those stocks feeling that they aren't safe anymore. Since they make up like 30% of SPY it will take a massive shit.

Tech stocks keep pumping and dumping. Financial and oil stocks keep crabbing.

Well, fuck bro...

What you can't see can't hurt you.

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perpetual crab is what I predict.

Reporting in.

Biz for your drone stocks who do you prefer KTOS, AVAV, NOC, BA, or LMT? And who is at a discount?

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I think its a bearish crab. Look at SPY. It hit its local high over a week ago and hasn't returned.

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Bobos are so stupid. Imagine being a Bobo in the golden Bull run

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I hope bull cucks realize that this market is propped up by 5 companies, all of which report this week, and once everybody realizes that their earnings are just as fucked as everybody else’s, this entire racket will come crashing down. You’ve been warned.

its up 30% in 1 month, why would you expect any significant changes in a short time frame like 1 week?

>GEX is falling which means that S&P 500 is supposed to follow suit soon
>DIX is plummeting which means short volume is falling aka people are buying less
>Earnings season is in full swing with big names like Apple and Alphabet announcing their quarterly reports
>POMP is scheduled for Monday
How do you guys think this week is going to turn out? Is it a good time to buy TVIX and SQQQ or not? What companies are you expecting to have shitty earnings?

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>muh S&P index ETFs

Was wondering that too. I think there will be a million headlines about the US will hitting 1 million cases tomorrow, and also crossing the point of having 1/3 of worldwide cases.

what broker should I use and what are some good high divvie stocks to build my portfolio with?