Shrimp Market General /smg/

>jannies deleted the shrimp farming thread again
When did you realize that Yas Forums is funded by Big Shrimp?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bought and boiled 7lbs of shrimp today (large) and a gross of blue crabs today. Shit was like 115 dollars not including extras. And we do this every weekend. Help,bros. I think I have a problem.

seek help


OG Yas Forums shrimp farmers are working with mods to eliminate competition.

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shrim farmin' is a Yas Forums staple

newfag jannies need to fuck off forever

sea kelp


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newfags don't know
been OG /big/ shrimpin since the last crash
thanks Yas Forums

did anyone get the Pink Gold download?

So is Yas Forums just a forum for shrimp farmers?

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Lads I'm gonna do it.

How do I start a small shrimp farm?

Please give me guidance and I'll share how I go.

From what I understand I just need to set up a aquaculture/aquaponics set up and then buy some Shrimpies.

you can see their poopoo

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i enjoyed last thread.

fuck jannies

Are RTX and BAM actually good long term holdings or is it just a meme?

I usually stick with good ol Kirkland shrimp

What happens to the market tomorrow? What happens to Gilead?

/shrimp/ farming probably has the highest ROI of any business for the least amount of work. You have to be street smart to get around the shrimp mafia though. Stay safe out there bros

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Shrimp will never die, nice trips

d' fuck is wrong with you jannies?!!!
for weeks they let rent rats post their fairytales
shitcoin shilling all day
one reasonable business post finally pops up

Kek'd at Big Shrimp

Just general interest story for all you shrimp farmers:

Meaning you can at least in Germany, bust most likely also other EU countries even get startup / small business loans from the government to start your shrimp farming empire.

You're just going to keep posting this thread over & over again, aren't you Bubba Gump?

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How do i short the jannies' shrimp cartel?

This is a business and finance topic

Now we know why the overlords chose to become 4chinz jannies
They want to suppress their money-making ideas and let us flounder in a sea of shitcoin investments instead of making REAL VALUE

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I'm building treadmills to make them ripped

It's called market manipulation.

FUCK JANNIES for banning shrimp/ indoor fish farming threads. Every shitcoin gets shilled here god forbid someone makes a /biz thread about the PINK GOLD.

What I'm thinking of doing is having some kind of futures exchange only for shrimp (and maybe carp). This way you can participate even without a tank.

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It's a profitable investment.