>ill never be able to afford a house
>ill never be able to afford to have a family
>ill never be happy
Ill never be able to afford a house
Other urls found in this thread:
nice pic. saved.
fuck communists
>tfw can afford to have a family, but none to have family with
>tfw girls you buy are not meant to become wives
Reminder. OPM's post is Jewish trickery to get you to say these things about yourself. To influence your subconscious.
Reading it alone is applying it to yourself.
Knowing this deflates the jew balloons blocking the sunlight of your mind.
Cheers anons.
Also fuck you op.
You'll be happy when you let go of your desires
>at least 50% if not more of modern women are doing onlyfans, “premium snapchats”, some sort of sugar daddy, or something else I’m not remembering
>at least 50% more like 75% of women are obese
Give it up user, it was never meant to happen.
>100% of women are whores
>give up union protections
>get shat on by big business
>wtf, why did unions do this to me???
Hello, based department?
>what is the federal reserve
>what is socialist government tax
nah 50%?
More like 30%
There are good girls. They are just few and far between. When you meet one you'll know.
Then you can get in line like everyone else and wait for her to break up with her boyfriend she's been dating since HS.
Yeah, it's hopeless.
We aren't in this situation because of the new deal - the new deal helped establish the middle class
We're in this because for the past 40 years we continue going back to "trickle down economics"-esque policy. More tax breaks for huge corporations and rich people does not equate to more money for poor people
>And this is all my own fault
Maybe you dream bigger, you'll never achieve past your greatest dreams.
Imagine being such a sheep you want any of this.
Yeah, imagine wanting to "be happy." Personally, I want to be in a constant state of misery.
no we are this situation because of foreign tyrants, imperialists, socilaists and communists
the federal reserve was created to issue bonds to fund ww1 and ww2
because there was no real victor and no spoils the dollar had to be redefined as otherwise they would not be able to pay and the cold war required to continuation of the fed
then once again the dollar had to redefined in 71 and demand for it forced by extortion of oil producing nations
now china is challenging the current dollar (which they also have no choice as their economy is a bubble) asiatimes.com
It's Cain and abel
the only question is the USA completely corrupt
or has it all been necessary evil
This is cope Negros
Unfortunately there are women out there who aren't trash, but you'll never find them in time.
This is what makes it unbearable.
>pic unrelated, she is too famous to be pure and humble
You are a spoiled shit, you can buy houses in not San Francisco for $200 a month
>tfw 343 killed halo
Survival. Of. The fittest.
Women are having babies.
Truth hurts.
Lift weights.
Get $.
This is an uplifting Halo thread now. I'm building a warthog when I make it. Also might help fund the guys making Installation 01.
i played this game with a lesbo friend. i think she wanted to fuck but i assumed she was off the table. she was tomboyish but she flash me her tits one day when she was drunk, i bet she would've went for the dick
hell yea