Why don’t you own at least one Batboi?

What the fuck are you waiting for?

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I'm not cucked enough to pay premiums on silver. I only buy generic bullion as close to spot as possible.

This. You're a fucking retard to pay high premiums for a specific coin.

Do you even realize how much batbois will appreciate in the coming years? Can you even comprehend the demand for this coin?

because i dont wanna pay 50$ for shipping to the eu

Because my IQ isn't room temperature.

Can you give me an example of a similar coin's appreciation over the years?

70 years ago People used to buy sheets of 2 cent stamps and 5 cent stamps. You can still buy them for less than face value

You can pay 0-25 you dumb fuck. Search better. Not too much bc I want to buy a third sometime next month (^:
Glad I'm not the only retard here. We don't buy them for the appreciation. It's purely for stacc protection and memetary value.
Yeah, I feel like a retard paying that premium. I'm considering buying a 10oz gsm bar but with shipping & handling fees to gb which can is at least 20$ I still dont know what to do. Europe doesn;t have many bars available and most of them have high premiums

Here you go

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Can you explain why Acadia appreciated so much?

I got these 2 at work in my change after buying a Pepsi, I'd sell these 2 on Ebay together for $5 plus shipping.

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Not sure. But the batboi will probably appreciate more given the year and the meme

Is it true the shiny batbois come in a pod that's too small and doesnt close back up after being opened?

its a shitcoin, memes dont appreciate.

dude, normies are already accepting that Coronachan was grown in a lab, and had nothing to do with bat soup at a chink wet market. The meme will be memory-holed long before these coins have a chance to appreciate in value.

from mint is safe, bullion from online dealers will come in cases slightly to small
mine did and i got in back in the case once, the second time i cracked the case

Mine are on the way

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Couldn't they just make more bat coins? I mean you'd gain on the appreciation of the metal but won't get that premium back.

The virus was grown in a lab extracted from a bat though, before being modified

ok how did it appreciate?

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yes user you are correct, this bat coin could be produced for another 6 months at the mint, but demand is so high for ASE's i wouldn't be surprised if those are being printed non stop until dec when they have to get ready for the new design

Yes and it sucks. Whoever did this I want to wring his neck. Shouldn't affect resale value though.

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because i live in canada

Heat it up with a hair dryer or something.

I got it for 117 which isn't that high compared to ASE

I decided on just buying the one that represents my state premiums be damned. I can only stare at that fucking bat for so long before hating it.

I do own one
I also have 1mil PNK
I can effectively shit on every biz thread, feel my power

>he doesn’t have even 1 batboi

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Why do you dumb noggers always hold the mama bat upside down

I don't know where to find them in leafland.

I do, and I'm never selling it.