What's Yas Forums's credit score?
What's Yas Forums's credit score?
>jew score
>the greener the more jewable
good job goy
757, Uni student, about to graduate
t. poorfag
mine was mid 800s but I went all in and shorted it to mid 600s; gonna hold it for a while before TP.
760 last i checked
Don't even have a jew score, this (((privilege))) is reserved to us cucks
inb4 and after butthurt retards
Fuck credit scores
819 No debt. Feels good
648. It’s in the trash...but I have no debt and own my home and car.
Mine went down a lot because I opened two credit cards in a short time
>good goy score
no thanks
i think it's about 770.
0 but I'm probably wealthier than all you faggots ITT
Having a high credit score shows you know the game and know how to play the game. Low scores show you’re clueless.
Paying zero tax means you know how to play the game. Credit just gives the illusion of wealth.
Israel has no right to exist
Playing the tax code is a different game but just as important.
someone is using the app I used to work on...
Don't have one. I'm not participating in the (((credit system))) and getting fucked like my parents did.
If you don't use a credit card you are stupid. Good goy points exist whether you like it or not, so you might as well earn them.
>pay with credit card
>pay off credit card
Wow that was so hard!
665. This is my highest ever lmao. I was handed a few high limit credit cards as an 18 year old(5k limits) and ruined myself
That’s a man
>few high limit credit cards
>5k limits
As those accounts fall off your score will improve. Just don’t make the same mistakes again.
There is actually another level that's a bigger deal in the modern age: it acts as a buffer for fraud. If you're using your debit you might get your account cleaned out and you can't get that money back. If someone fraudulently charges your credit card you can cancel it.
For an 18 year old with a part time job, this was huge
Is this an American thing? When I was a high school kid, my first credit card had a $1k limit. Even at 24 now, my highest credit card limit is $3k.
Been trying to pay off debts and haven't missed a payment in over a year. Feels good user
685 up from 480
True. Also your credit card company has a lot of sway over the vendors accepting their cards and will back you in a dispute. I got a refund on an airline ticket after getting the runaround from the company. Had I not used my credit card I never would have got my money back.