Daily reminder: No amount of money can buy true love

You’re never gonna make it. You’re gonna die alone, user.

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Fuck off asshole I just got ghosted by a girl like this

Daily reminder that love can come out of nowhere even when it isn't being sought after.
If a fat retard like me can get a petite engineering major christian gf so can you.

whore costs 100€
you can buy love

wtf my gf is like this but doesn't like dogs and doesn't say "dork"

I've known this for a decade you dickhead

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>big boobs
>picture shows small boobs

Seek the Creator, not creatures.

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me too bro i know that feel

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Women are incapable of love.


a tranny made this image

Imagine putting women on a pedestal. Imagine being such an eternal beta simp

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>projecting your ideals on an extremely needy literal child-tier gf

be very careful what you wish for.
When you have to fucking skype her because she got scared someone came into the apt while she was in the bathroom, you'll remember.
When you have to suffocate every fucking night with necessary nightly cuddles after the longest day at work, you'll remember
When you'll want to do to things outside of her vanilla comfort zone, you'll remember
>but baby, im just a wiw tender uWu can we pies not do hardcore stuff

fucking HELL. project more you incels

You apathetic, misogynistic, soulless, cold hearted bastards will never experience this. You guys sure love to hate on women, I wonder if you guys feel the same about your mother. I hope you all die alone and never bear any children into the world, I can’t imagine them having a father like you.

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All women are whores

theyre incapable of genuine freindships either
women have no honor
they stab each other in the back for sport

this image is so sad. little children just looking for some support from a woman

so, so sad. You don't need this anons. Women need a support group. Men have to pick themselves up or its over for you in this race. Some other man will come and roll over you himself

>you would throw away a girl because you can't make her do ass to mouth anal and punch her in the nose and because she cuddles you too much

Honestly, the emotion and value of crappy meme pics like these capture the average man's everyday life so well. Like Rembrandt art or other depressing paintings of the past

Oh no :(


Based and ascended pilled.

At this point I'm starting to believe that we truly are just pod people in the Matrix.

The only reason we even learn of these popular artists of the past is because there was no medium like the internet. To get your paintings or shit saved for centuries you had to be really popular. These days if someone drew the Mona Lisa people would think it looks trash and not that good.

fuck off mossad

>won’t go out with her because she won’t do the gawk gawk double handed fist combo while licking your ass

this is my wife. haha imagine being an incel and never experiencing the glory of a real woman who loves you

bet she still believes in fairy tales like imaginary men in the sky too

You see, now, this is a MAN. Congratulations for not being like these low test beta males. They always say they hate women, when in reality, they’re scared to even talk to a woman. Can’t even make eye contact longer than a second before looking away.