People are so fucking retarded

>hurr durr lets crash the entire economy over corona hoax
>mfw people willingly destroy their entire existence over a shitty, overyhped flu
you cant make this shit up. meanwhile Im making bank in online marketing and our orders are actually up because everybody is sitting at home and bored to shit. people are so fucking retarded they honestly deserve to go broke. literally clapping to have the middle class wiped out. Im still stacking paper and the only nuisance to me is I have to wear a mask in the supermarket while all these retarded normies will go broke and lose everything. good riddance you suckers

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Other urls found in this thread:

>16 yrs old thread
>believing you're better because muh ego
thank you

im literally and factually better than most of the tards out there because 1) I never bought into this stupid hoax and 2) I sell shit on the internet and have enough savings not to sweat anything. Im just sick and tired y having my life ruined by hysterical normiescum and I hope they all go broke this time so I join the elite

>the flu does this every year

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If it's a hoax, why are you wearing a mask? Shouldn't you be trying to get pozzed to own the libs?

>oh noes men in hazmat suits and wooden crates
>this is 100% undeniable proof, SHUT IT ALL DOWN
this is exactly what I mean, people areso fucking stupid and dont even understand the difference between anecdotal and statistical data
>b-b-but a baby died, its not just killing 80+ wakling corpses who wouldve kicked the bucket anyway
>what is an outlier

>why are you wearing a mask
its mandatory in my country now

>sells shit on the internet
>is pissed off by lockdown
>believes he can actually join the elite
>selling shit on the internet
user, I...

You wear a mask for a fake virus? I don't. Been out 5 days a week no mask, still got allergies but no chink flu.

This panic has actually destroyed my entire industry. Not my job, not my department, not my company...thenENTIRE fucking industry. All because people panicked and went bahhhh bahhhh bahhhh and trusted CNN. I spent 6 years getting to a respectable salary and saving my money, now I have to start all over again from square 1. And millions are in the same boat as me.

Honestly, I don’t know how more people don’t go on mass shooting rampages. If this kind of shit happens every 10 years or so where people’s livelihoods get BTFO in a matter of weeks, how the fuck can people get ahead in life?

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>dont even understand the difference between anecdotal and statistical data
user, I'm literally a data scientist for a big retail chain. You don't understand the concept of exponential growth. When I say "exponential" you think "quadratic", which is absolutely wrong.

>he doesnt know boomers buy literal billions worth of stuff online every year
kek stay poor

What industry?

>sub 90 IQ confirmed
>south western asia detected - waiting for validation

>I'm literally a data scientist for a big retail chain
LOL literally bean counter at walmart
>muh exponential growth
get over yourself you midwit, all those exponential growth charts and numbers have turned out to be completely false

Why are you so mad if your making money?

>t. mcds wagie who will get replaced by robots
keep coping fren
Im a western euro chad and if you werent completely retarded you'd realize that online sales are a massive biz, have gone UP since the rona and will only keep growing as more and more industries get wiped out

im mad because I had plans that are put on ice now
Im mad that I have to get humiliated by wearing masks in public
Im mad that people are so fucking retarded that every 10 years we have to crash the economy over some stupid shit and they are just fine with it
financially Im fine but this hysteria still affects me and might keep draggin on for months.

I make more than you do selling suction cup dildos on FBA. The growth *has* been exponential, but luckily we've been able to limit the available population for it to infect by locking everything down. You smoothbrains are trying your best to turn it into something that would have rivalled the black death due to a lack of healthcare and high infection rates.

I forgot its a hoax I'm so silly. So why did china lock down a city of 10 million people last week?

>I make more than you do selling suction cup dildos on FBA
kek just goes to show how clueless you are when you think online biz = selling trinkets on FBA
then again youre a mouthbreathing retard who thinks the lockdown accomplished anything except putting millions of people out of work

Okay kiddo

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Oil and gas

>b-b-but some city in china closed down
>b-b-but some baby died somewhere
>b-b-but men in white coats showed us scary charts
I swear people like you shouldnt even be allowed to breathe precious air. I bet you also belived Bush when he said we gotta invade iraq because muh WMDs

unclaimed bodies have been buried in this exact manor at this exact location for over 150 years, sheep.

>sub 90 IQ double checed
Am i telling that online biz is not growing?

Also, I'll let you in on a little secret. I work in strategic demand planning and long range sales forecasting. All the US states that were late to lockdown and prevent the spread of the virus are going to experience a severe economic contraction over the next year. Our internal forecast models show that, once they reopen, there will be virtually no long term effect on sales for states like WA and CA that were quick to quarantine. So get rekt you fucking retard.

Ohhh I get it, your just mad reality isn't working the way you think it should. Spoiled pissant.

If they really have to they should only quarantine the old and people with weak immune systems and leave us normal healthy people to go about our normal lives.

even the WHO itself said all these lockdown measures have a "very low" effectiveness kek and you retards clap like seals while your rights get taken away
>millions of people unemployed
>30% of economy wiped out according to Goldman
>tourist industry wiped out, which is responsible for 10% of all global jobs
>t-t-this wont effect sales at all
LMAO sure thing mr walmart. we will just keep everything shut down until we have a vaccine. so approximately between 18 months and never. and then well just pick up right back where we left

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I agree. These photos are nothing out of the ordinary. The bury homeless people and similar on that New York Island every week.
The numbers are likely inflated because the tests give false positives. Also economic insentives by claiming they died by it etc.

So yes, one massive jewish swindle.

im mad because braindead hysterics like you are allowed to vote and have an influence on my life

Do you want a 4 month lockdown or a 20 year economic depression, the likes of which the world has never seen? Your choice dumbass.

>you have to choose between these arbitrary options I just pulled out of my ass
how about quarantine people who are actually effected, aka 80+ and let the rest go on with their lifes instead of listening to deranged hysterics who think they know shit because they crunch numbers at walmart

Changes nothing for me and I'm getting money from uncle sam. Sorry brah I'm not risking my life to pay for your 50 rental properties. I know you want [your tenants] to go back to work but that's not my problem

>who needs economic activity the goberment will just print monies
yeah I mean nothing could go wrong

Holy shit you are a dumbass. Stay seething lmao

why not volunteer as a test subject since you feel strongly about opening everything up. Go ahead.

nice argument dipshit kek

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would love to since Im not fat, old or afraid of the flu

It doesn't work like that. Only the elderly have died despite the best efforts of ICU doctors, but SARS has extremely high hospitalization rates. If literally everyone gets it, there will be no healthcare. You're looking at around 15% of the population dead, regardless of how old or sick they are. Now please go kys by getting pozzed by the fake virus so we don't have to read your posts anymore. Also remember not to use a hospital. :^)

Go do it then, or stay mad.


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