Work stories thread go

>be me
>working cashier at Ralphs
>old man comes to my register, is buying bread and ham
>scan it, total it and say to him, "Your total is 4.30 sir"
>old man pulls out a little bag with money in it
>hands me a 5 dollar bill
>ask him, "sir, do you have the 30 cents"
>fucker just shakes his head
>I tell him, "Sir, if you give me the 30 cents I can give you back a dollar bill"
>fucker once again shakes his head
>then I say to him, very frustrated by now, "sir I can see you have quite a lot of coins in there, mind if I count them for you see if you have the 30 cents"
>this fucking dense motherfucker shakes his head again
>I grab his little bag and start to pull out coins
>dense old man is trying to wrestle me for it and is grabbing and putting all the coins back
>I finally grab a quarter and a nickle and enter the money into the register
>old man yanks my collar and tells me to give him back his coins
>I hand him a fresh, crisp dollar bill
>fucker pulls my hair this time and tells me to give him back his change
>explain to him that I gave him the correct change and there is nothing I can do about it
>fucker goes complain to manager(yes over fucking coins)
>manager doesn't understand but he caves in and makes me give him the coins back
>fucking dense old man just walked away with $1.30 more than what he was supposed to

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>be me
>is gay


Why are you so fucking OCD, he obviously likes coins? That's why he has so many you dumb idiot.

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>First job
>cashier at popular store in popular mall
>customer comes
>give her total, bag her items
>exchange monies
>sir i am short 20$ in change you did not give me
>uh.. i gave right change, it shows on the receipt
>no i am missing 20$
>sorry cant give u mony
>call manager
>look at cameras
>lady walks out says no time to deal with this shit

I love this pasta

you sound pathetic op

>be me
>be 11
>walk mile and half to store
>mom gives me $10 to go to mcdonalds and buy whatever i want, bring the change back to her
>i buy 2 cheeseburger meal
>about ~4.10 at this time
>sheboon gives me back 90 cents
>waiting to get my other $5
>she hands my bag of food and tells me to have a nice day
>i ask her where my $5 is
>she starts yelling at me for trying to pull that type of shit
>i'm confused but people are looking at me bad so i just leave
>go home and give mom 90 cents
>"it cost 9? whatd u get"
>explain to her what happened
>she gets pissed at me for not doing anything and just leaving. also says we shouldnt go back to that store
>i go to my room and just play runescape for a while
>food tasted notably worse
on the one hand i shouldntve been a pussy, on the other hand i was 11 and some obese sheboon nig nog started screaming at me in public and i just wanted my five dollars. god i fucking despise african american females

>i'm confused but people are looking at me bad so i just leave
What a fucking beta

I can't believe people are still using cash.

> Be me go to grocery store
> Need change for laundry
> Base my choices around ending up getting 3 quarters back
> Faggot cashier demands I give him change so he can give me a dollar bill
> Shake my head, and before I can say a word as to why he snatches coins from hands screeching
> Wrestle coins back talk to the manager
It was fucking weird bros, he was so insistent I take a dollar back

he was 11, retard

>First job
>First week
>Black guy walks up to the counter
>Hands me a reloadable Visa card he took off the gift card rack
>”uh yea nigga i need *cough* five hundred on this cord...”
>He hands me the cash and his ID (which I look over extra carefully because he’s from out of state)
>Process the transaction and put the larger bills in the drop box
>Pat myself on the back for handling a relatively complex transaction so well on my own
>Rest of the day is slow
>Manager comes over to zero out the drop box at lunch
>”user, look at this”
>He holds up the most blatantly counterfeit $100 bill(s) I have ever seen
>He reports it to Loss Prevention
>Upper Management calls later that week to confirm that I’m being fired

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How do you know he didn't need those coins, man?
Some people use them to do laundry

No excuse.

Bet his cunt ass got killed in the wild too.

Ah man, fuck niggers.

We need the coins for other stuff you dense fucker. Now do your job and give me the fucking coins.

>be me
>working as a waiter at dennys
>women in her mid 40s is seated
>sets her purse on the floor
>30 minutes later I have to mop the bathrooms so my coworker takes over the table
>finish mopping and wash my hands
>come out, lady is pissed and yelling at my coworker
>reply your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>i rush over and ask the women what happened
>her son comes back from outside
>when I finish at work go to my car but notice that it is in another space

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you're a moron.

>Be me
>Sunday morning church got out
>Go to Ralphs to pick up bread and ham
>Try to pay for it with a $5 bill
>Gesturing at my coin pouch I use for the laundromat
>Inform him I'm perfectly okay with getting change
>Gets more and more upset
>Won't take my $5 bill
>Eventually he lunges at me to grab the change
>After wrestling with me he manages to get the coins
>Mfw I punch his lights out
>Mfw the manager gives me an extra dollar
>Mfw the stupid kid got fired and cried something about going back to NEETdom and something about making a thread about this
Life is good boys

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your mother will die in her sleep tonight

your mother will die in her sleep tonight


Wtf is your deal
Prolly a collectible coin or his bus fare you fucking coin autist


god i hate niggers

working as a pleb at mcfaggets. Fucked one slut manager with a boyfriend and dated another manager for a year. Managers and staff routinely forming relationships and shit which was supposed to be against company policy. Absolute farm house.

she took the $5 for sure. probably does that all the time and people don't want to seem racist so they just accept the loss of money.

>god i fucking despise african american females
this is whats called a formative experience. That $5 taught you a valuable lesson for life

Old pasta

Lmao at these newfags
