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I hope so.
Thanks BAT ($20 with in Jan.)
fuck i bought $50k USD of this hex shit. am i a retard?
i cant provide proof because i am lying
my mom and dad both saw my 10x gains and are both having me convert their BTC into HEX immediately.
Lol same with my dad. I hope I don't lead him into financial ruin with his $500 investment. Retail investors aren't afraid of crypto anymore.
H-hey, Rich Heart here, inventor of the Time Deposit. Wanted to drop in and say thanks to the Hex outreach team. Liquidity is looking good for Hex Coin, my coin, the Time Deposit you mint yourself, with no known involvement or ownership by me, Richard Heartman.
I don't even know if this is ironic or not anymore
my kind of conman
my dads holdings are only $300 and my moms was $1100, she got in early with me so she made the first pump. she is at $10,000 now and so happy lmao.
I've been looking at Hex for a few days but was unsure how to buy it.
Found Hexdex.win but i've got a question that i hope a user can answer.
Do i transfer ex. a link token to HEX and then have it on my Coinbase account? If not where is it.
Do i just scan the phone thing and then get trading to HEX?
Where would i cash out? Do i swap it back and forth from Coinbase to HEX then when i want to get out i swap it back to ex. LINK and then sell from coinbase?
These are getting more sad by the day. Yeah he sure is a scammer. Did you guys ever even do any research on this motherfucker?
fomo has not even started yet....easy 25 X from here!
just stick to bitcoin my dude. maybe lightcoin if you are feeling spicy.
I don't care about bitcoin. I just want to take down link.
Just bought 50 bucks worth of this trash, am I gonna be able to afford a lambo
At that amount I would stake it at least 365 days, past the potential dump and reinvestment that will happen after the big pay day. If it holds around .01 around then and you stake it you'll be looking at ~$350.
Would you recommend buying more on the dump?
bro think for yourself it's for your own good. if you ask for advice like this from here sooner or later you are going to get raped.
I'm not a retard, I was just asking for your opinion.
The only truthful post on Yas Forums all day.
Thank you sir!
I don't even know how to stake. How does my metamask do the stakey?
I have stakes that end at different periods because who knows.
IMO I think that realistically there has to be a dump, but I also think that after the price cut new investors and old will reinvest again quickly to get in at the low price. Then it may get choppy and eventually will climb again.
Via here, real easy:
Craig Wright is creator of hex
>after the price cut new investors and old will reinvest again quickly to get in at the low price. Then it may get choppy and eventually will climb again.
this is the most realistically possibility