How much did she make in those 2 years?

How much did she make in those 2 years?
How many kids from how many fathers will she have?

Attached: 59c7ee.jpg (620x620, 67.5K)

about $3.50


looks cute, I want to creampie into her

Sir, I regret to inform you that this, is in fact, a man.

she's still getting like 50K a month from patreon and she barely even does anything anymore. she has fuck you money at this point.

$0. People who get involved in porn are very impulsive.

maybe 3 million dollars
0 children from 0 fathers

It’s very clear from the writings that filthy gainings bring death, it doesn’t matter how much she makes it’s over with for her the Lord is not mocked whatever you reap you will sow

so you guys think all that porn she did was a mistake, huh?

Let's applaud her what she is: top Yas Forumsnesswoman.
Took fucking gamerfags for thousands of dollars.

You might disagree with her methods. That's jealousy and envy. Get that shit out of your head, it's going to hold you back in life.
Did you make thousands making videos with nothing more than some makeup, silly clothes, and your own body? And without actually giving your "fans" the one thing they were begging for? No?

Game recognize game.

Attached: tiny.jpg (1000x1000, 232.41K)

she did nudes or what do you mean?

Yeah that is what I meant.
Did she really? Aside from maybe some slips?
If she did, she didn't take many. Else they'd be plastered on this board.
Certainly nothing very overt or explicit.

softcore porn is still porn



that shit looks edited

hmm maybe, why is it a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot though?
either way, one image of a faceless woman's ass still doesn't satisfy the countless requests for her to put out a hardcore solo vid. Even if that is her in the pic, I wouldn't say that's giving her fans what they were begging for.

My point isn't whether she did nudes or whether she did porn, my point was she recognized a niche, made a market for herself, kept her fans begging for more, and made a grip during the process.
I'm not going to say "genius" or "marketing wizard" but certainly clever. She saw potential in tools that she had readily available, invested minimal capital (other than social/reputation capital, which is more valuable to some people than others), and made money.
At a young age.

She went and did it, while most of Yas Forums is looking at their computer, asking "how to make money," without realizing that the only thing holding them back is their own lack of motivation.
So they get angry and jealous of anyone who doesn't have the same self-destructive tendencies and actually "does."

I think I read somewhere she was making a little over $600k per year at her peak.

>Up hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly for two years
>This is all via Patreon, we haven't even seen her private donations and beggars looking to try to get a speck of her attention
>Bathwater meme just gave her tons more money for jokes
>Only expenses are makeup and cosplay (a fucking pittance compared to her her income) and basic household essentials
>Pretty much doesn't do anything anymore and still gets tens of thousands monthly just to exist

You'd be a complete clown to presume she's going to waste her time dating until she's either bled through every single red cent or finds herself someone with a significantly larger pool of money when her looks start to deteriorate. In terms of pregnancy, as much as she'll enjoy taking Chad cock for the next several years of her life and playing around, there's contraceptives and abortion of things get too real.

She's a fucking Yas Forums icon who has clearly already made it. Only incels can be mad at this degree of success at such a comically low cost.

i didnt save it but i found a picture of her without makeup and BOY she is not good looking

>Only expenses are makeup and cosplay
How could you write this without lying to yourself? Judging from the youtube video of her manchild room she blows alot of it on this random shit. Also drugs.

she was making that per MONTH

I say this as in her expenses for her income are essentially nothing. She isn't making non-stop risky investments in stocks, she isn't weighing based on the costs of production for a trade commodity, she literally just buys some cosplays and makeup and she's ready to roll.

look up basic ethics kid
frowning upon immorality isnt being jealous
same reason people avoid sin stocks
besides, its been known for centuries that whores without pimps always find a way to end up dead or in debt no matter how much they make

easy money has an almost voodoo like curse to it that fucks up peoples psychology and causes a death spiral, if you have any experience trading you'd be familiar with that but only 1% of this board are actual traders and not just shitcoiners

>look up basic ethics kid
Thanks I followed your advice.
Nothing that I can find indicates that sex (or sex work or sexual promiscuity) has anything to do with ethics.

In fact, unless she was selling her product untruthfully, I think her customers were fully informed about what they were buying yet bought it anyway. So it seems that she ran her business ethically, although I don't know many details. The bathwater, for example, if she didn't actually take a bath in it then that would be unethical, but if she did, that's not a matter of ethics.

Don't confuse ethics with morality.

And whether you believe sex to be amoral is more of a socioreligious question of "sin" than one of ethics or business ethics.

>easy money has an almost voodoo like curse
So many of the "traders" who you seem to deify and idolize didn't do shit except make a well-timed guess within a market. How is that not the easiest of easy money? Making profit with no effort? It's the very definition of "easy money."

It's the people who are cursed (or, more accurately, are bad with money and wealth) - when they get easy money they manage it poorly. It's the lottery argument. "People who win the lottery end up broke or bankrupt after a few years of mismanagement" - lays blame on the "easy money" aspect of it, but ignores the people. Fact is, it's overwhelmingly people who are bad with money who play the lottery in the first place. So of course if someone like that suddenly has a lot of money, they manage it poorly. But it's not the easy money that caused it, it's the individual.

Anyway, I don't know anything about this woman. Maybe she's broke now, maybe she's doing fine. But she definitely saw an opportunity and took it, unlike most of Yas Forums

ice your dick, youre making a fool of yourself
morality is an integral subsect of ethics, theres nothing to confuse
when I say immoral, Im refering to being a whore not her business practice
promescuity is closely linked to infidelity and indecency both unarguably immoral, nothing to do with religion, this has been universally agreeded for thousands of years by philosophers to be harmful to society and destructive to matrimony and the family unit, you have be an absolute imbecile to think otherwise

I can tell you have zero experience with any investment or trading at all and you don't know anyone who does, honestly I don't even know how youre here, but I've been seeing a lot of newfag shits the past month.
emotions are the biggest obstacle that no one can handle the first time, the euphoria that comes from easy money fucks you up the first time, everyone has their story but few get a second chance, especially one hit wonders like loterry winners and whores that get lucky

kids or fathers? both?

is she trying to look like one of those Japanese cartoons?

>I can't make easy money
>but I can cope

i see fur babies in her future. then bag lady status when the money runs out.

>muh ethics
>muh capitalism

I have a legitimate question user... why ARE you so mad? Like, it really doesn't matter if a girl makes money providing adult entertainment.