How to use dating apps

What do I say when I match with girls on dating apps they're all so boring and basic and expect me to put in all the work I need some pussy in my life to get over my ex. I don't think I'm ugly but I'll post pics if yall want

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Say nothing, delete the app, wait for bars to open up again, and then go to bars and talk to women like a man

post pics before you get banned

run just a normal conversation, if the bitches like you they will talk, pretty basic

>dating apps

don't use them. any women on a dating app has something wrong with her. Just go out and live your life and you will meet someone.

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It's kinda hard now

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Omg the cringe
I showed my sister and she said her vagina dried up really fast reading this bio

Lol yeah it is pretty autistic, I don't really know how to sell myself

bruh you look like a school shooter

First two are based, but the last ruins your whole profile.

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>How to use dating apps
You be in the top 0.94332% of males by attractiveness.

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Probably remove all the sperg shit about crypto and hacking man
Remember you from the microphone thread, I have no advice because dating apps are impossible for us autists unless you’re willing to fuck a whale

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This has to be bait.

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kek, you can't get girls because you're clearly fucking autistic

Alright I'll delete all the bio and just put better pics up which I guess is most of it. I dont know i hooked up with a pretty attractive girl on valentine's day but I just wanted a hookup. My ex wasnt that bad looking either. I think I might just have someone else take some pics for me

Yikes dawg lol

>he thinks he can get the whale

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Y'all write a bio and good openers for me and I'll use whatever gets the most (you's).

Delete the gun pic and the torch pic. People will associate you with the Unite the Right and think you're a school shooter or whatnot. And you know how much people bitch about white people for all their problems nowadays. Don't give them more reasons.

Also, women don't give a shit about the nuances of investing. They just wanna see the money. Don't bother to talk about crypto, they won't want to listen. There's a reason why the blockchain field has such a difficult time attracting females, it's inherently not appealing to them.

>just put better pics up which I guess is most of it.
That's not the issue at all.

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There’s one at my work who never looks at me or talks to me. Why are they so mean bros :(

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Pic related is ex

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That's a man


ewww, insectoids are ugly

“hey there
“how are ya?”

light conversation and then get their snapchat pretty quickly.

you need way shorter answers. Be mysterious and wittily respond to whatever she’s saying. Don’t dump your nonsense on her.

i.e. Biggest risk you’ve taken?
“investing in crypto”

Also, no selfies.
(Unless it’s with a group of people).
It’s literally less cringe to have a friend take a picture of you than to use selfies.

How come all that bullshit didn't work for you?

What the fuck are you doing?

Firstly pictures of you SMILING, with friends, outdoors, body pics if you're Yas Forums.

Hit em up with something cheesy normie tier like "Hey you ;)"

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Stop with the hand poses, put on a shirt and put a neutral/serious or a slight smile without showing your teeth, also ask one of your female friends for feedback.
Focus in developing your personality, values and mindset, you could look amazing and still be a shitty partner/hookup. Work internally and externally.

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ur not even ugly bro but omg delete the charlottesville and columbine pic ffs

>just smile bro

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>asking females for what they want
>it's your personality bro

you should mention that this only applies if you have a normal out-of-home work and social circle

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are full-grown men supposed to have their gym clothes in a suitcase?

I thought they were funny cause my cop friend let me wear his shit when we were drunk and the other one was new years and I was given a sword that my friend let me stab his shoe and light it on fire but yeah they're not that good. I got a pic with Peter Frampton in one of my profiles but that ones also horrible lol

Yall write my bio for me