You STILL don’t have 1MM RSR

You STILL don’t have 1MM RSR

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who are you talking to?
because I'm in the top 100 wallet holders.
you must not be talking to me.

fuck off satsgang pajeets

go scam your twitter followers, not biz

What does the second M stand for, dumbass?

you know I’m not, now get out of here shooshoo

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hello neighbor

he knows he will never make it.. is pic related in the sats gang user? did perter thiel invent it? or was it Coinbase? it's all so confusing. I think satsgang is code for Y-combinator and Paypal...

Attached: ___RSR___.png (2803x1648, 2.15M)

just fuck off with your copy pastas and stocked images

and stop trying to scam people

is that supposed to be fud? or even an argument?

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>doesn’t know finance

Is 100k enough to make it?

wow... you just played urself retard kek

what's the suicide stack for rsr? fuck i dont want to fomo but i feel like it might moon eventually

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The fuck am I looking at?


Nufags already getting priced out and it’s not even on CB yet.

$1 RSR is very far off still

But $0.5 is possible after arb’ing app is implemented and CB listing during bull happens. Nevin is a big brain boy and will time these catalysts appropriately. Pic related, the rich want to be more rich

500k ss
Make it 2mm (assuming $1mm usd is ‘making it’)

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This. I’m so tired of these low IQ shitskins that use Yas Forums as their designated shitting street for their alt coin scams

can you actually fud reserve instead of just calling it a pajeet scam? their team is entirely white from sv. i dont want to sell part of my link stack for rsr, but i get a similar feeling from it

"I get the LINK feeling from this" is literally what EVERY pajeet says about their shitcoin of choice on biz


still no fud besides "le pajeet"...

they have nothing. we have elite SV investors, coinbase and it unironically is already purchasable using paypal. let them weep

RSR is still being accumulated. If you’re not already priced out, you will be by mainnet launch.

Comfy time to accumulate with other shitcoins profit, still very cheap, will prob move to 0.5c range soon

PSA: if you're not in the top 1000 wallet holders bracket, you're going to work until you're 73 years old.
If you don't wind up living that long, I have bad news for you.

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Top 100 fuck you money


Fuck you money

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Suicide stack

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what is your price prediction?

I was planning on divesting some Link holdings after it takes off, but seeing this demotivated me. Apparently the US seized this account, assets all backed by gold, which will be used to back a new currency.

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back to plebbit
