Why do people cry about capitalism oppressing them while they're posting on their iPhone made possible by capitalism?

Why do people cry about capitalism oppressing them while they're posting on their iPhone made possible by capitalism?

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People are communists with respect to water if they've never lived in a drought.

>people are stupid and lazy
You cracked the code Einstein.

>made possible by capitalism
I think what your meant to say was "corporate welfare"

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Who paid for the R&D to get the patents to make the Iphone bub?
The US goverment that's who, nice capitalism lol

lmfao OP iphone was made in china a communist country. how do you manage to breathe everyday?

>IPhones could never have been created in a communist system
How do you not forget to breath

Easy solution. Instead of state communist, we get corporation communism. The Tech lords rule over us and shower us with useless tech.
That way champagne socials have the best of the two worlds, free money and no need to work and the latest gadget to fill the gap where their hearts are supposed to be.
I think a technocratic communistic society is unironacally the future, just look at how people reacted to the Trump gibs, everyone loved it, even the people on the right. All the hardcore conservative lads on 4chang became commies real quick as soon as it enabled their neetdom

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Because some people (especially 4chin brainlets) just want to bitch & moan, even if there's nothing to bitch & moan about

People who earns less than 35K£ (taxfree) monthly talking about how great crapitalism is

You say you hate feudalism yet you live under the local lord!

Pol isn't sending their best!

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It's assembled in chingchonglandia, brainlet.

Capitalism didn't create the electromagnetic spectrum, you retard.


Apples to oranges, no one is forcing you to purchase a smartphone and people get fine without them. So why complain when you reap the benefits?

Yeah, the "kill all capitalists" crowd really is nuanced and humble, just wanting to improve society somewhat.

Oh wait, you mean the moderate "democratic socialists" - the patsies who get consumed by the K.A.C. crowd post-revolution.

Without a smartphone, you are uncompetitive. You won't get hired by anyone; you'll starve to death.

Lmao you and I know both know that isnt true, at least for your mental health's sake I'd hope so

It is the opposite; i can state with the highest confidence that it is true. Say what you will.


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You're an idiot. Employers call you. All you need is a flip phone for that.

Are you implying we only have iPhone because of capitalism?
IPhone aren't even good ffs

Because there are more barriers to entry than there used to be. Used to be a lot easier to buy a home, and it was cheaper to raise a family.

This. We have iPhones because apple customers are too stupid to know they are being fleeced.

kill all capitalists would improve society dramatically not just somewhat but the point still stands pointing out hypocrisy of the person making the argument is not a real argument

Because Yas Forums is the physical manifestation of the dunning-kruger effect with regard to economics. People see a thing they don't like, with almost no effort determine that this bad thing wasn't inhibited by enough regulation somehow, and decide this means capitalism is bad.

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>gib me dats
>you have to first take it from someone else? Not my concern, I stick with first order thoughts only

Npc lack of thought is a powerful force that we just need to harness

You're on Yas Forums, which means you don't have the spine of Stalin. And you'd support the revolution, which means you wouldn't flee the country. Those two factors mean you're on the losing side of any communist revolution.

As for my original point, it's not hypocrisy. It's naivety - you can't even see how your ideas would make life worse, much less how you'd end up suffering after "winning" your revolution.