LIT is gonna make me a millionaire

>the only thing stoping Lition is for BTC to fall out of the stock to flow model

Change my mind faggots. Lition could easily 100x, and in a bull market could even go 200x

Attached: 2-months.png (3445x1908, 266.58K)


stock to flow model on bitcoin is so fucking dumb, you don't even realize how dumb you look when you post this shit.

Why, tell us smarty pants, oh wait you cant its shitpost sunday

This is the chance of your lifetime, learn from other people's mistakes and stay patient until you can fulfill your dreams.

Attached: 8.jpg (1024x700, 127.49K)

Based nigger

>hurr durr, X is popular, therefore I, a smart man, think that X is dumb

>not understanding that popularity of ideas is literally what decides markets


Where can I buy?

I used hotbit but there is low volume there. Some say IDEX

Idex is best

Attached: bulletlit.jpg (250x250, 20.94K)

Lition is literally the best bet for the next bullrun. Anyone remember antshares or raiblocks? Well this time it's gonna be LIT.

so friggin buggy tho... but that's what's mainly suppressing the LIT price lol

You can't buy Lition on Idex if you are a burger. Can I just get it on Uniswap?

Afaik it isn't on uniswap. Try to use a vpn or tor network with idex

Suicide and make it stack?

suicide 10k make it 100k i think

This is the 2nd UBT

Attached: fgcor5kl.jpg (680x380, 72.33K)


>>Pro tip high IQ post below :
>> German household = 40 Millions
>> German electricity consumption = 3,171 kW/h at 0.305 cents the kW/h
>> Lition supply = 60 Millions

Now guess the potential price for 1 Lition token (to date) in order to fill the demand ?


Major Lition Holder Here.

I will be fucking rich.

I've finally made it. I've finally found the crypto that can set me free. It's happening.

Attached: NEET Lition energy.png (585x695, 124.08K)

Even if satoshi returns tomorrow, sells all his coins and then opens up a backdoor in the code that allows him to mine bitcoins unlimited, LIT would still make it. Only slower.

I dont think that's an accurate model to conjure up the vast amounts of wealth that awaits us LITmarines but they've already said they were in talks with asian countries to also start up a lition energie branch there.

And then there are the other applications.

VPN didnt work, and not familiar with Tor. Guess you guys can have fun getting rich without me. This project is gold...

Use hotbit, that's what I did. Low volume but better than nothing

why did this thing crash back so much after its pump? should I invest in LIT?

Almost time for the massive dump and another blockchain crash

Nigga how new are you? Ofc! Buy 5-10k, stake and enjoy the right.

literally everything crashes after a pump lmfao

It went from 35 to 50, then now back to 37, that's a big crash.. literally back to same price as it started the pump lol

there was a bug in the mainnet and they had to revert to betatesting.

Hold that thought bros, tye Tor thing was as easy downloading a new browser to fool Idex.Thought it would be more complicated.
For some reason hotbit doesn't let me log in.

if I buy lit on idex, how do I stake it afterwards? do I lose those lit if I stake it? sorry new to crypto

try hotbit w/ VPN

First download metamask. Then head to and read the FAQ.

Nice lie there, faggot. DR;NS

1) After you buy your shit on IDEX create a metamask account.
2)Put your LIT into the metamask account
4)Have some Dollars in Ethereum on your metamask account
5)Read the Staking FAQ on the website
6) You made it!

um sweetie, check the orderbook..

Attached: sweetie.png (1256x267, 26.92K)