Yas Forums apologies now

> land lords are evil

My brother works really hard to clean up abounded house and sell them.

How is he evil ?

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fuck you parasite.

I'm rewire and cleaning houses . And I'm the parasite here .

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>dark skin
Oh no no no no no

Are you retarded or larping

Flipping houses isnt being a landlord. Flipping houses but being unable to sell them so your forced to rent them is you being a bad businessman.

everyone is a parasite apart from me who sits at home claiming welfare checks and some guy in a hard hat i've never met

If it was that easy, everyone would be cleaning up their own house. But it's not. Your brother probably has connections, or money he didn't earn.
Oh, and cleaning up a hose is only a fraction of the work that went into making it.

the average person has no idea how to reconstruct the interior of a damaged house or redo wiring.

>or money be didn't earn.
lol get a load of this commie fuck

Where did you learn necessary skills to flip houses?

The average person can learn. The average person would also prefer a hovel to being a lifelong wage slave. So no, I don't believe you. I don't believe that abandoned housing is accessible to anyone, except people like your brother.

The average person can download free textbooks on any subject and become an elite level person in a particular field, but they would rather prefer going to work from 9 to 5 and coming home with a paycheck.

You over estimate the average person's desires. Hierarchy exists because disciplined people naturally rise to the top.

How many house he need to own to be a landlord . Also I should mention that him working in construction as an electrician really help him out . It's a job most people can't do .

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Legal doesn't mean moral. You can't justify your psychopathy with papers and words. At the end of the day, you know what i fucking mean. Nitpicking only exposes your nonexistent conscience.

What textbooks did you use? Seriously, i want to know.

>shit house rotting away with no demand to live in it
>guy buys it, remodels the interior, rewires it
>now it's a good house people will pay to rent and live in

Sounds moral to me. He turned garbage into a commodity.

How is renting out a house you own a bad investment

fuck off commie
houses wouldn't exist without people building and maintaining them, and you want one for free?
I'm somewhat of a georgist myself, and I agree that LAND should be free, but if you want a house you should either pay the price to build one yourself, or rent one from a landlord.
You are the parasite here.

check the IDs. I'm not the OP

He's not a landlord, is he>

Yeah, completely reasonable.

Construction family practical videos common sense. Renovating houses is fairly easy to learn, the work is hard, especially with only a couple of guys. Burgers have it easier, less masonry involved.
Electrics and plumbing can be learned and done by yourself. But sometimes its easier to get someone in. Its hassle when you want a return on your investment.
Youre stuck with an asset that you wanted to flip. Youre bag holding, but staking so you get some back. It restricts your liquidity.

God damn you mutts have shit tier cables.

t. Finland

I said nowhere that i want a free house. I also don't want all land to be consumed by someone else's house. I think we share the same point of view here.

I'm not a mutt I'm hatian

Sure it restricts your liquidity but that isnt necessarily a bad thing, passive income good right?

I was looking at houses to buy and rent out in the Pittsburgh area. By my math even the run down houses that need work. It isn't possible to make money off them by renting them out. The housing costs are too high.

>purposeful exclusion of any type of argument not based solely on feelings
That's retarded commies for ya


Based island tard

> house flipping
> landlord