Boss texted me to go straight to his office tomorrow morning for a 1 on 1 meeting

>Boss texted me to go straight to his office tomorrow morning for a 1 on 1 meeting

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you're getting a promotion! congrats user, you've made it

maybe he'll fire you so you can get your shit together and stop wageslaving

don't forget the kneepads

What's your job?

This, and what were the exact words he used? Need those to gauge his mentality.

Sorry, what *was* your job?

It's a fucking sunday. That's illegal!
He probably want an early morning blowjob. Suck to be you. Get your kneepads

Tell him you're practicing social distancing and a 1 on 1 would put lives at risk and you're not comfortable with that.

web development

"user, meet me in my office first thing when you arrive tomorrow."

He didn't say what it was about when I texted back

Then I got a notification on my calendar. Only attendees are myself and him. No HR roasties listed. I am safe right?

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What industry? Or are you a web dev firm?

Just be grateful that you will get $4000 a month in unemploymentbux.

Bring your kneepads

Sounds like an urgent new project desu

Most people get canned on a Friday. There’s probably a big problem that he wants you to fix.

I had a similar experience, one day I was about to finish my workday when all of a sudden my manager arranged a meeting. I was made redundant.

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People in my company get canned on mondays

These are some high quality kneepads, a good investment into the future.

youre about to get fired, literally got the same message a week ago (also web dev), if no one's going to your office cos of coronameme youre def getting fired user

He's making you waste your gas only to lay you off immediately and now you gotta drive back home.

Had a shitty temp job where I was taken advantage of where I was contracted and some high level two faced black hr manager dude or the vindictive roastie got me fired. Didn't even get the call, literally went in, worked, was pulled away by one of the nice hr managers, and got told the news, got paid for the bit i did work. Still a pain in the ass as neither that place or temp agency told me. Ironic considering I was going to quit on them soon as they werent a company Id want to work for permanently (no vacation days the first year and only 3 days sick leave and questionable hygiene considering what they handled could infect people)

wouldnt want to work for that company is what I meant

probably getting laid off. Last thing my boss said to me before handing me the letter was "Have you got two minutes? Meet me in the boardroom."

Bring a gun


Why? Unemployment + $600/week is better than wageslaving right now

When he cans you don't take it personally.

You will get half your weekly salary from state UI + $600 a week from the feds. You will be fine for money,

Honestly, it's pretty attractive. The only issue is going to be finding work when things open back up and having to compete with so many fucking people

>walk in
>close door behind you
>unzips his pants
wat do?

bring both a knife and a kneepad, you probably have to use one of those.

say Sneed and walk away

Put some lubricants in your ass before you go there....