Please Help, reward offered

I have 3,420,000 HEX sitting in a vanity wallet that I need to know how to spend from, the wallet is in pic related format.

will reward with 2.5 ETH upon successful access to the funds

the public address for my wallet is 0x46d5614D7D840631D5b9afA09ECaEb5814e7B012 so you can confirm

Attached: ethwallethelp.png (1123x101, 10.04K)

Ask on reddit or discord, here someone may scam you.

How come you can't access your own wallet?

I've tried different wallets like mycelium and they don't like my private key format

Yeah go to the paragons of truth and justice, fucking plebbit and dicksword lmao

I wouldn't worry about it, you're too dumb to be handling that much money anyway

metamask, myetherwallet?

Just post it here and we will help you. What are you afraid of?

Dubs AND green ID. What can go wrong? Trust me bro.

you have the wrong private key. sorry for your loss

but on a serious note, try using myetherwallet, and use the offline mode as a last resort

Dont post private keys, i am literally in your meta mask account. What do you need help with?

Attached: Screenshot_20200426-100316.png (1080x1920, 65.11K)

>thinking he will actually post his private key on here

go to
select "access my wallet"-->"software"--->"private key"
enter your private key, now you have access to your funds. on the right side where it says "tokens", enter hex in the search bar



May also be worth double checking your private keys that you haven't misread while typing... unlikely, but doesn't cost anything

Dude i used the private key FROM that photo to import his account

yeah... but that's not his account. that's the point

when I place the private key into the thing as you described, the "access wallet" option is grey and unclickable

>thinking that someone would be THAT stupid

Attached: qdpxEYo.png (1363x830, 616.05K)

You may be missing part of it then. Try adding a few more characters to it just to see if it turns clickable, if so that my be the case.

It's likely you're missing one character or have one character too many that's why I said to doublecheck... Ethereum private keys have 64 character... If that's the problem, then you're fucked

Private key is wrong then. How many digits is it off? If just 1 then add a random character to the first / last character until you get the right private key.

mistake could be at any point of the string tho

When Copy pasting, usually you miss the first letter if you make a mistake

looks like that could be the mistake, private key only has 63 characters, so one got missed along the way, oh well


If you get your money out

my recorded private key string is only 63 letters long. I know a crack ukranian programmer that I'll ask to help me whip something up to try variables and shit. what else can I do?

I'm afraid you'll have to use some kind of software to bruteforce your way in at this point... Knowing 63/64 should be doable... Still sorry about that OP
Also OP:
This guy literally contributed only this message to the conversation

I was the guy who suggested using different combinations for the first and last letter but my phone ran out of batter and my ID changed a few times.
I still have the thread open with screenshots

I had ID skg4/eqV

Attached: Screenshot_20200426-165413.png (1080x1920, 265.31K)

u can try out only 15(0-9,a-e) characters, either in the first position or last

sorry I meant 16(0-9, a-f)

Shoulda staked it. Didn't. Lost it all. Sad. Many such cases!

Just leave it in there OP
Like this guy already said You are too dumb to handle it anyway and would lose it again