Someone figured out it's Procentec. Already huge.
But check this:
Search 'pn: v-id' and tell me what you see.
VIDT hardware partner
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll tell you what I see.
Whoowww, that's fkn huge!
"just closed a deal with a global hardware player (with some dream clients)"
Here we gooooo
what the fuck, its legit
g-guys better load up now before it gets public
If this is true, some guy in the Tele estimated that they would use 7 million tokens per month for validations
I’m sorry for ever fudding this lol
You were all warned for months of what would happen.
VIDT is about to see insane growth.
Is this actually big tho?
fucking discord shillers in this thread, all samefagging, dont buy vidt its a scam.
have to research the other companies though
Any truth to there actually being a connection to Siemens?
Don't see any price action yet. Is this an actual biz discovery for once?
Yes be patient.
help a brainlet here, where do you guys see SIEMENS??
play with your peepee for a few minutes and you will see a white stuff, thats it
go to the website
search for V-ID
scroll down
Brace yourselves if you don't hold VIDT sirs
Wow you're right, but what is this sticky white stuff?
Thanks fren, I see it now
This project is working with IBM:
Vidt will moon eventually.
It's Procentec!
It's Siemens!
>Any truth to there actually being a connection to Siemens?
No. This is shills being delusional, while some are going along with it to pump the price.
>some guy in the Tele estimated that they would use 7 million tokens per month for validations
>some guy in the Tele
shut up herp
More scam.
Imagine shilling a fake announcement rumor that is 12 months away. Just like V-ID will get listed on Binance... back in June of 2019, am I right.
I mean, it actually is Procentec, because they posted photos of the team and offices.
Procentec will integrate V-ID tech into their product family. This link shows that Procentec have some huge clients, including Siemens.
None of this is up for debate. Fud no longer works.
lol at the telegram trannies going crazy over a 5% pump , they are that desperate and its not even real volume
imagine buying the top and selling the bottom