
How is this not the best thing going in crypto at the moment?

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its okay. i hate that theres no charts though

Because kyber isn't gay

I unironically is user.

Give it a few years and their will be no exchanges left at its current growth rate.

i like uniswap, but that's just dumb. you can't even set limit orders on uniswap. its for buying/selling, not for trading.

Can you even set a buy order lower than current price on this?

no, there are no limit orders.
I don't think it's going to replace standard exchanges, but it's certainly an interesting market model.

The funniest shit is Uniswap was built in half a year with 100k check from the Ethereum Foundation, while there's projects out which ICO'd years ago, raised millions, and still can't deliver.

Crypto is the absolute wild west.

Its fucking amazing

Litteraly working on this right now anons.

First thing coming out is for speculators. Basically all you would do is send Ethereum to EthUp.eth or EthDown.eth it would lock you into a pool and if the price rose 15% after a week the up pool would get all of the down pool. You would go long or short and not have to worry about scam wicks, margin calls or exchanges taking fees.

Exactly 100% of the money will be distributed to those who are using the system and 0% of it would go to line the pockets of centralized exchanges.

Why would someone build this? Because no one is paying me not to lol. That's literally thousands of jobs lost at central exchanges.

Roughly 80% done. All that is left is accounting for gas attacks and people using flash loans to mess with the Uniswap price since I won't be using Oracles. Extremely confident I can solve this in a month or 2.

Lol I know right. Just wait until i build tools with Uniswap for speculators that give 0% to market makers. Going to be a lot of lay offs.

No one is going to use it without marketing dumb ass

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its easier to sell certain tokens since centralized exchanges doesnt list them. and no KYC is really good

Already have that figured out. I plan to code a open period, late period and closed period.

Anyone getting in late has a unfair advantage since they know how big the pools are and what the price action is doing. Anyone getting into the late pool will lost 20% share of the pool. 15% goes back into the pool and increases everyone else's share. The 5% goes into a marketing pool.

Marketing should be pretty simple. Best value per dollar seems to be paying internet frogs to build and spam memes. I mean it worked for chainlink right.

> Best value per dollar seems to be paying internet frogs to build and spam memes.

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Literally a Solidity nerd and never heard of uniswap.info

This is why we need marketing.

Why is it better than kyber though?

uniswap was built in like a week, its like a 200 line contract super simple

there is also pools.fyi, e.g. pools.fyi/#/trades/0xf506828b166de88ca2edb2a98d960abba0d2402a?from=2020-04-22&to=2020-04-26

it is.

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>All that is left is accounting for gas attacks and people using flash loans to mess with the Uniswap price since I won't be using Oracles
I recommend using coinbase until uniswap2 launches, then switch to 15m MA from it (requires two contracts calls).

kyber doesn't support all coins and is therefore inherently cucked

to make it so that people can't use flash loans to abuse the system, you can add the check...
msg.sender == tx.origin to insure that the original calling address is the one interacting with your contract

retard here
how do I use this to buy/sell hex?
I sent eth to my metmask and logged in with it. I bought some hex but how do I actually see my hex balance and then sell it back when I want to?

absolutely don't do dumb fucking shit like this, this can be exploited by miners.

click the three lines on the top left of metamask to see all your coins. if your hex balance isn't in there, click add tokens at the bottoms and add Hex's contract. use etherscan to get the contract address

What about cashing out?
>inb4 >cashing out


I can always update the spawner. The point is no one can effect contracts once they start. The thing that spawns then can always spawn updated versions once Uniswap updates again.

I am thinking randomness in sampling of price feeds and multiple price feed samples with only some being actually used. I just need to make flashing the USDC/ETH pair up ur down more expensive then it is worth. 100% set on using Uniswap for price determination.

I do not trust Oracles when it comes to giant pools of leveraged money.

The flash loan abuse is only a issue when I sample the beginning price and then the end price a week later to determine if one pool won over the other. The system I am using itself has zero flash loan weakness its Uniswap I am worried about since I require a decentralized price feed.

what? don't write smart contracts that release funds because they can be exploited by miners? it that what you're saying? wtf is the point of Ethereum user?

ok I can see my hex tokens but when I try to trade them back for eth it won't let me because it says I need to unlock first
however, metamask won't let me confirm it to be unlocked?

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that origin check is useless, because miners can do everything a contract can by putting their transactions before and after the transactions that takes the price from uniswap.
Right now there's no way to have a fully decentralized uniswap oracle. That's fixed in uniswap2 which allows MA calculation.
there's literally no way to do this currently. The best thing you can do is use coinbase (check signature on-chain) and add a 7 day admin delay for upgrades. Once uniswap2 launches, change the oracle to it, then disable the admin capability forever.
click reject 6 transactions first, maybe the button is going to unlock itself.

Btw always remember that transactions have to confirm in order. If you have one pending tx, use speed up or cancel. If you send a new one it's going to wait on the previous.

do you have any ETH in your account to pay for the gas? all metamask transactions cost tiny amounts of gas

I have .0001eth
let me try again with some more

No it cannot.

I already accounted for appropriate delays before the contract actually acts on anything. The only risk is if they can reorder the block and see the price request then put a flash loan to knock the price down above it.

It's as simple as making multiple requests for price from Uniswap and only actully using a few averaged out. It costs a lot to move the price of a stable coin around even momentarily. If the reward in the pools starts to dwarf Uniswap liquidity however I will have to shut it down or limit pool sizes.

or it could be what this guy said. your other transactions are pending. ETH transactions from your acct have to be processed in order. if you have enough ETH, try speeding up the previous transactions by editing them and adding more gas

rejected all the previous pending transactions
put some more eth in there for gas
gonna try again now

yep it worked after I put some more eth in for gas

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that's not even 2 cents. You need more eth.
>The only risk is if they can reorder the block and see the price request then put a flash loan to knock the price down above it.
Well yes. I have no idea why you think it's not realistic. It's 100% realistic.
>It's as simple as making multiple requests for price from Uniswap and only actully using a few averaged out.
no, miners can sandwhich all transactions with this. Really, don't do this. The contract is 100% going to be hacked.

Even without miners it's possible to do this manually by assuming miners order transactions by fee (some do).

>the meme is real

brah you cannot just cashout HEX

> there's literally no way to do this currently

Litteraly just get ETHToTokenInputPrice Function do you even dev?


the point is that price can be manipulated just when your contract records the price.

So I just give the contract a few USDC and manually have it swap them for ETH. Save the amount of Ethereum returned and see if it increased a week later when I do it again after the contract Expires.

More steps same solution you are litteraly implying miners can just stop transactions and shit what are you on about bro?

when you sell make sure you edit your transaction and use appropriate gas or your transactions will get clogged again. metamask defaults to 1gwei for some stupid reason. just select 'fast' in metamask

gotcha thanks

It costs a shitload of money to do that. All I need to do is randomly sample the price a ton of times and the attacker will go broke. Moving ETH/USDC around is extremely expensive and all I have to do is increase the amount of samples I take.

>So I just give the contract a few USDC and manually have it swap them for ETH
this achieves nothing
>More steps same solution you are litteraly implying miners can just stop transactions and shit what are you on about bro?
transaction 1:
miner dumps 10k for USDC, dumps the price by 42%
transaction 2:
miner calls your oracle function, it records price lower by 42%
transaction 3:
miner rebuys his eth. The total cost of the attack is 0.6% = 60 eth
which means if the potential profit is larger, the attack is profitable
10k is not even close to a "shitload of money".

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