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$200 by end of day 100%

Who /32ETH/ here

>not 128

Attached: 1580251864618.jpg (750x800, 298.69K)

>not 256

Attached: 1586617643970.jpg (250x184, 6.01K)

>not 1,048,576

Attached: gato.jpg (2048x1515, 229.25K)


$800 by EOY.

If it doesn’t i’ll fart in your mouth

137 here

Literally following BTC ups and downs...


Attached: 1584277340925.jpg (1700x1712, 740.4K)

sounds comfy af

more like btc is weakly following eth.

Losing value for 3 years. It just has short term spikes which fools people to load up and it continues to lose value consistently.
- June 2017 - .147

- Jan 2018 - .108

- June 2018 - .075

- Jan 2019 - .039

- June 2019 - .029

- Jan 2020 - .019

- Now - .025

Attached: eth2.jpg (1000x667, 84.37K)

cherrypicked time points. The fact is that eth was a better investment over most timeframes.
In the long run btc is an unbacked shitcoin while eth is an actual share in the smart contract network, which means btc is eventually going to zero.

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32 ETH here (and 1.2BTC). Comfy af also with my metal stacks

If you are using January 2017 as a starting point then almost every shitcoin has a better return because almost everything had no value. It wasn't until summer 2017 that most coins gained value and most fags here entered the market. DCA from then or pretty much any point thereafter and you'll see how retarded your cherry picking looks.

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so excited bros

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here's 2019

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I'm right behind you with 32, I'll catch up someday

Still time to get onboard, anons.

*rubs hands*

Oh wow that chart is looking good. She's about to pop

we're at $198 resistance, goyim. after this it's going to explode through $200

It's been the other way around for like the last 3 months. Go back and look. ETH leads the market now

>128 ETH
>3 BTC
Would this hypothetical person make it?

if you're cool with a million dollars

How does $0.00 sound?

/64ETH/ here

Do we need multiples of 32 for staking ?

128 * $20,000 + 3 * $100,000 = $2,860,000

Income from staking: 128 * 0.03 * $20,000 = $76,800 per year

based and scampilled

Let's go bros

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