
Fuck it I don’t trust the other boards

My libido has been going down hill for years. It was peak when I was running courses of roids and fine for a couple of years after but nowadays I only need to watch porn once or twice a week, and barely feel like having sex.

I’m 33 now, married. Wife is objectively attractive.

I’ve run all my bloods and hormones are normal (test in upper third of normal ranges).

I’ve tried maca powder and ashwangandha

Will anything help other than TRT to supernormal levels?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also on ZMA, omega3, Vit D daily

Unironically run 5K every day, trust me I've tried every supplement and dietary changes under the sun.

What does that do?

Kill the rest of your T

I know you guys won't believe me and will keep trying other stuff, but whatever, I do it and my life has changed around, I feel like i'm 16 again. You can't take shortcuts, just hard work.

if your objective is get it on
then do sugar, but careful it is addictive

like seriously it is that simple, get pepsi (with sugar) and ice

Is it possible that roids ruined your hormone receptors? Also there could be issues with high blood pressure and cholesterol

Vit d

I bet you're a fat Yas Forumsizen who only does powerlifting because he can't lose weight and deluded himself that cardio is bad for you, this isn't 2015 bro get with the times.

I had my testosterone checked half a year ago and it's actually above the upper limit range, so your "low test" FUD doesn't work

I've taken up running since the lockdown, and my libido is higher than ever before.

Can you still get erections?

Read "Sex at Dawn" and you'll understand why your libido dropped.

Thank you.

My libido dropped as soon as quarantine dropped and I developed a bad cough. It’s a bit better after four weeks and morning wood is coming back. However, I don’t want that shit to happen again. It’s terrible to go from fucking your girlfriend to 6-8 orgasams to not wanting to be bothered with sex.

Coincidently, me and my girl have started training for a 5k. So...I guess the lack of gym, the cough, and other factors played into the temporary libido death.


Actually still exercise and do 5km runs 2-3x a week, times are roughly 24 mins so reasonable fitness.

I don’t have ED, dick works, but often I just have zero desire.

BP, chol both very good,
I ran a proper PCT with clomid, toremifene and HCG and blood work looks fine but yeah could have had a delayed effect

no point trying to fight it op - you need to have a frank conversation with your wife about your need for her to take control and to slowly turn you into her sissy slut sex toy - then it won't matter what your libido is like, she'll use you when she feels like it

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Hmm that's weird, could be that the problem is not physiological, how's your stress levels? anything significant happened? What's your outlook on life?

Also, I don't know if you take any mushroom supplements, but they too will absolutely kill your libido, I've had it happen to me with lions mane supplement, it took 2 years for my libido to return. Never ever going on that shit again.

dude just go read the fucking test thread. get on a cycle of test now and all your problems will be solved

try jacking to traps

Roids killed your dick that’s what you get for being a juice monkey

>I’ve run all my bloods and hormones are normal (test in upper third of normal ranges).

Your total test was in upper normal, but what was your free test? I hace no fucking clue why they use total test as the main indicator while it literally tells nothing. A lot of testo is bound to sex hormone-binding globulin making it ineffective.

Aerobic exercise boosts a lot of cognitive functions, mood, blood flows ect but it actually dies not serve benefit for sex hormones if that is the problem. In fact, it may reduce them. You need to do heavy resistance training with weights or HIIT (proper one, not that Les Mills branded shit that has nothing to do with HIIT) to boost free testo.

>but it actually dies not serve benefit for sex hormones
>if that is the problem
Yeah.. if that's the problem. OP stated he exercises and he's not old, he didn't get his free test checked which is a shame, but I don't think test is his problem.

I've had libido issues like him that were not caused by hormonal issues (got my free test checked and it was actually high as fuck), so then it led me to try cardio, and lo and behold all my problems vanished. Could be something to do with bloodflow, not sure. Libido problems are really hard to pinpoint, it could very well be mental.

which reminds me: OP do you smoke? if you do that's a big fish right there

Also why the fuck nobody asked this: does OP watch porn? That's probably the biggest libido killer for young adults.

Well it's not exactly libido per se, but for me drinking 2 glasses of wine helps.
Gets me a bit more in a happy mood by being bit drunk plus it thins your blood and improves circulation which lets it be known in the nether regions.
Usually end up giving the fiance a good dicking.

maybe give a tldr

he says so in the OP.
Watches porn twice a week. Married.
I feel shitty when I do masturbate when my libido is low, seems like I just stole an orgasm that I could have given to my gf.

Except it's literally the exact opposite you fucking moron. Fortunately you are the only person stupid enough to thick such things. That is why no one else suggests extremely stupid ideas like yours.

Could be, but really I’m not that stressed right now, sleep is shit but has been most of my life. If anything my biggest stress is ensuring my wife doesn’t feel bad about the sex issue

FAI was normal too, I did my SHBG

The lack of weights during lockdown might be contributing but this was an issue before too.
No smoking, normal BMI, possibly low end though so I’m going to push my weight up and up my fat intake.
This could be an issue, I’ve been avoiding porn to see if I get more ‘horny’ and therefore want sex more, but it seems to have done the opposite

Things that affected my libido
>Not enough sleep
>Not exercising (weightlifting and cardio)
I had different kind of diets, none made a big differences even when I had shit habits like eating 1000 calories in sugar or eating pizza every evening.
Maybe you just have low libido, it happens.

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