Last month i made $200 from my Idena node

How much are you guys making?

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Like $100, do you have human status?

invite rewards are hooge tendie bags

Nothing. I made 3k in one week with Tezos.

I was newbie en lost my whole stake and status because the fucking app couldn't load the flips during epoch.
I'm still mad about it and now I can't mine, doesn't seem like I was the only person with this problem either so fuck this shit

2 human ids one run by me mum so around $250-300 but im not selling

try again, get to verified. don't regret that decision later user


Can you mine without an invite? How do you even get one?

~ $120 (VPS mining, flips, inv.)

Invites are running $250 a pop on discord/telegram, but you'll make that back after first month's rewards easily

where are they traded, I would offer mine for more than 50% discount at $100

I'd like to know as well

I made $9000 this month selling shit on the internet.

You can get one for free easily. Show you are somewhat interested and make an example flip in the discord's #flip-school channel
Never buy an invite

almost impossible by now


Step 1. Don't be a retard
Step 2. Join the telegram and the Flip school channel
Step 3. Follow the steps in the pinned post
Step 4. If you are not retarded, someone will give you an invite because they believe you understand the system, will show up to the validation and pass
Step 5. Show up to the validation and pass
Step 6. Wait for results and rewards to be issued
Step 7. Activate mining
Step 8. Keep the node online and only offline for less than 1 hour to avoid penalties
Step 9. Show up the the next validation

kek nice joke, you only get one if you are willing to basically strip naked. people don't want to waste their invites on pajeets and chinks and you have to prove you are not from asia. good luck doing it

Fuck off nigga, scroll back to validation day before 13:30 UTC in the official telegram channel. People were throwing away their invites.

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of course they (jeets/chinks) did as idiots allowed them to enter idena

That doesn't take away you can easily snatch a free one if you're not a retard. I do hope they just implement a system where you can choose a candidate in-client based on their flip skills. This is killing the network

Never take an invite from someone doing this. They get rewards for you showing up to validation and passing, do you really want to give a jeet rewards which allows them to make bad flips which you might get and then fail validation on?
Don't be retarded and don't support retards.

Good point user.

Never buy invites, the person issuing your invite can delete it and create a new one
Im in idena since february og post and am active in discord, post a good flip in #flip-school and you’ll have 5 people hitting you up with invites in no time

Yes this always happens

I accidentally killed a ukfag a few days ago who just had 1 more validation to go. Wherever you are, I’m sorry fren. I swear I didn’t mean to :(

I'm thinking of sending all my DNA to qtrade just so I dont get fucked, I'm afraid that qtrde is shit though, any user have experience with it?

what are you talking about? are you going to terminate your identity to free up your staked coins? Qtrade is a based exchange, read their about page

meh just did this, sent 600 DNA as a test, seems to be all fine, thinking of maybe swinging it once it goes up next week kek, let's see where this goes, now atleast I'm not gonna get fuked raw

If you have human status, can you still be terminated by the one who invited you?

it’s a good exchange, it just has terrible liquidity. NYZO and VEO are good holds too. I don’t see this seriously taking off until Q3 or Q4 with a tier 1 exchange, plenty of time to accumulate til then

nah, I'm afraid the guy who invited me might terminate my node liek some anons did

well, I am planning on running this on a vps once I'm verified next epoch and sending it all to my ledger once they implement this. Then I will just leave it there and get it out when it will inevitably dump when its on gonna be listed on a bigger exchange

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