Say hello to the new XRP biz!!

Say hello to the new XRP biz!!

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$3 incoming then to $2! Deluded overvaluation. Normies eat shit and die.

Chainlink's supply is just as centralized, and the token is just as not needed, so probably

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stay poor

Next floor for $3 Dollar Lounge! Going down!

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Whole market is PUMPING. Link is DUMPING

Oh no, I'm only 3,700% up now. what will i ever do?


that said, buy some UND if you want LINKIE style gains in 2021.

Cripples said the exact same thing when they went from $3.70 to $3.50 to $3.20 you know....

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XRP's chart looked the same in jan 2018.....

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why all the seethe? Could it be because Coinbase refused to work with Chainlink and chose to adopt an oracle network standard (Open Oracle) from a direct competitor (that makes Chainlink obsolete)?

Attached: coinbase-doesnt-use-chainlink.png (784x1338, 214.28K)

XRP was the highest gainer in 2017.... like LINKs the highesy gainer in 2019....

ie say 'ello to endless dumping back to 0

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like father like son, both went up the highest and fell the hardest

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cripples said the same thing at $3.80....

Why do you put "..." after every sentence Pajeet? Fuck off cunt

Im about to short 1k link at 20x. Binance here i come.

why do linkies pretend they are different from XRP?

XRP was the highest gainer in 2017 and part of 2018. LINK was the highest gainer in 2019 and part of 2020
XRP was supposed to take over the world because it had the connections with the the highest banks, LINK was supposed to take over the world with SWIFT
Normies got into XRP at its peak. Normies got into LINK at its peak

literally whats the difference?

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xrp hit top two


Its called trading retard. Only boomers hodl.

Lol i just made $500 bucks shorting link.


link gains are far more significant than xrp. i wish i didnt fall for the meme and bough chainlink during the crash and not xrp. i converted halfway through and make some moniez

>token not needed

Attached: google cloud chainlink link tokens.png (1607x827, 157.09K)

>Coinbase refused to work with Chainlink
>direct competitor

Too bad both Coinbase and that "direct competitor" came out shilling Link by name.

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XRP mooned when everything was mooning.
Link pumped when everything was dumping.

>far more significant
lmao, how? are you just going to ignore XRP was the highest gainer just like link was at one point? in fact, XRP went up 36,000% in a year. Not even link had as high percentage
>oh, but links different!
Open Oracle does all that link does without a token. rip

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XRP mooned harder than everyone else like link
>link mooned when everyone else
remember when BSV went up 300% this year out of nowhere when no one else did?
How about tezos this year?
>bbbut link went up in 2019
QNT went up higher than LINK in the summer peak of 2019

>mentioning the name of a compatible product is shilling
Microsoft name drops Apple when they say microsoft office works on it. Does this mean. Microsoft is shilling for Apple?

>"it just looks good to have google on your amateur-ass looking architectural diagram
uhhhhh, that diagram was made by Google not Chainlink lel.

>Open Oracle does all that link does without a token.
Better tell Coinbase and Open Oracle then, because they're shilling Chainlink by name: >XRP mooned harder
... during a general golden bullrun.

They went up during a short amount of time, Link has been going up against the market for two years straight.

>mentioning the name of a compatible product is shilling

>Does this mean. Microsoft is shilling for Apple?
Because MS Office working on Apple is good for both MS and Apple.

hurry up and buy Sergey's bags Yas Forums
do you think lambos grow on trees

>competitor says his data format is better
bearish asf

>competitor says his data format is better
lmao, circle where they say this brainlet.

>diagram was made by google staff members that held link bags
unironically the same in terms of shaddiness

how many times do i have to tell you retarda name dropping isnt shilling. Microsoft literally programmed Microsoft Office to work in Apple Os along with Windows.
Does this mean Microsoft is shilling for Apples?

Open Oracle works with chainlink. It doesnt need chainlink at all. Youve been told this hundreds of times

>during a general bullrun
are acrually implying Link didnt moon during a bullrun? Link went to $5 in february, and in ja uary BSV went up 300% and Tezos went up 300% in februsry too.
How is link possibly unique at all?

>Microsoft shills for Apple
well, this is the absolute state of the linkies. I guess if Apple falls, Microsoft falls with it too then in your logic

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>>mentioning the name of a compatible product is shilling
Companies pay a lot if money just to have their product mentioned in movies and interviews.