I am 23 and have never had sex, have never kissed, have never dated, no women has ever shown interest in me

I am 23 and have never had sex, have never kissed, have never dated, no women has ever shown interest in me.

Give it to me straight, Yas Forums. What the fuck should I do?

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Why are you posting this on the business and finance board instead of Yas Forums, /soc/ or Yas Forums?

>Give it to me straight, Yas Forums. What the fuck should I do?

Go to


I'm 36 and I fucked my wife nine times between Friday night and now.

You just need to learn how to be comfortable when you're around them. I was 25 when I first had sex, and it was with a hooker. Having lost my virginity gave me the confidence with women. Perhaps go to tinder and have sex with the whales there. We all gotta start somewhere. Other than that, get rich/successful and get fit, then the pussy will come to you

anyone have the pepe comic where he tells the roman guy to B.E. yourself?

this. get fit, get tan, and get good at talking to women

the only way to get good at talking to women is by chatting them up and going on dates. (Tinder / Bumble / Hinge)

t. fucked a fat bitch I had never met before on the beach tonight and feel absolutely dead inside

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Learn game...I was 23 when I lost my virginity and to was because I learned PUA. I read The Game by Neil Strauss and it motivated me that this is something that can be learned. I'm now 29 and been with about 77 women. Have had a threesome, multiple girlfriends, banged a stripper, many ONS. Basically game is something that can be learned. Up for sexual market value and learn game. Make an online profile and start getting dates to gain reference experiences.

Become an ascetic Buddhist monk

Go gym + be rich + take testosterone.

u should go to a different board

I began to copulate at the age of 19 years. Late, I know.

go to Asia and show them your ARPA wallet. instant lay.

why not become female?

Send me 10,000 LINK and i will take the virginity of that ass

better yourself, things will come after user

kek wtf

Lel it isn’t worth it

become a drug dealer for hard drugs. the harder the drugs the more pussy will fuck you for it
or just kys you ugly piece of shit

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Go all in chainlink with all you have.

Basically get cute and make good money. Everything else is negotiable.

Honestly this is the best advice
no woman will look at you if your ugly, your only hope is to get fit, or have lots of money.
once you're decent looking, then learning to talk to women is important and fattys are a good way of learning

but yeah user, fucking someone you find ugly really will leave you hollow

Exactly me, but i'm 27.

If it's important to you, take a good honest look at yourself. Figure out what's wrong. Quality women find a way to get the guys they want. Seriously, they literally conspire and plan that shit out.

Figure out what it would take to fix what's so unattractive about you. Also figure out exactly what it is that you want, realistically.

you will have better luck with cougars after the outbreak is gone in 2022

Make your self happy

>Business & finance

step 1: go to a strip club. $50 in ones. learn to make them work.

step 2: pay a hooker. wrap it twice. douse with mouth wash immediately after. gotta learn to fuck for fucking sake. fundamentally we all pay for sex. do it on your terms. do this no more than twice.

step 3: learn to use the use the app tinder to learn the art of the hookup. alcohol helps but dont over do it. remember chicks get horny too.

step 4. when you learn to make one cum move on to bumble.

Went from having no gfs since 17 to finding a girl at 25 and marrying her a few years later. What did I do?

Got Yas Forums with the help of Yas Forums. Ignore the autists on the board, the sticky and some threads have valuable information.
I got a decent job. Not very well paying, but a position that at least allowed me for progression and I’ve since doubled my salary with a lot of hard work and relentless job applications.
Leading on from that I sorted out my finances by investing in some silver, crypto and keeping about half in cash for liquidity.
Ditch your shit friends who don’t push you forward in some way or at the very least ditch the ones who are dickheads to you, you don’t talk about anything of substance with or who don’t help you in some way. Similarly you should strive to do for your friends what they do for you.

>Got Yas Forums with the help of Yas Forums. Ignore the autists on the board, the sticky and some threads have valuable information.

>What the fuck should I do?
stop caring

Same here but I'm young (18) and I got time. Only downside is I have no social skills and I probably won't even get a job for the upcoming depression KEK

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It’s true. It helped me immensely. Amongst the pile shit and nolifters there’s some good shit. Same principle as here and Chainlink a few years ago.