Shrimp farming is the best investment ever!

Shrimp farming is the best investment ever!

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i live on a river and catch a dozen of these every day or so for fishing. i should start selling them, people are desperate for live bait

They look like insects, you must be a chink.

>neighbor steals it all while you’re sleeping
>you wake up to the smell of him grilling your shrimp
>shrimp is even the same as yours
>when you confront him, he gets offended and outraged
>he intentionally starts blowing the smoke in your direction now
>it smells good

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Not if you grow them in your living room

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I'm making one of these

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The trade secret is to put them on treadmills to increase their size

I meant this one:

If you're going to buy the SkyChain contrapment you might as well get a shrimp rig.

If you turn a fridge sideways it can be used as a tub.

based Yas Forums schizo

This business sounds nice. How do you grow shrimp? It’s like growing a plant? Where do I get shrimp seeds?

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1. Use a 24 PPI sponge filter from an aquarium store. This filters the shit out so the water is not toxic. The filter also oxygenates the water so they can breathe better.

2. You need to be sure the water is not too acidic or it's not hard (rain water, not from a deep well where there are minerals).

3. Room temperature, if the thing freezes over the shrimp will die.

Anyone else do any other animal agriculture?

When I get a property, I'm getting into rabbitry.

>NZ and California White cross gives a litter of 5-8 kits
>In 6 weeks with ~$6 in food, the kits will get to butcher weight
>skinned and boned (easy bc they are small), they are ~4lbs.
>it's the leanest and lowest cholesterol red meat and you can sell it to fine dining restaurants and soccer moms at farmer's markets for $4/lb.
>Sell pelts for $2-$3 to craft supply places
>Potential of $13 profit per animal, once your equipment, like hutches and such, are paid off
>low maintenance
>fine living in cages, since they are 1,000's of generations removed from their wild cousins

Pic related for a good rabbitry guide. Storey's guides are made for other animals as well.

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how do you kill the rabbits?

I raised rabbits once, they multiply like crazy.
You can sell the meet and also pin the skin to a plank for use later on for sewing hats and selling them on Etsy.

You take a machete to the neck, at least that's how my father was doing it.

I had a friend in highschool who grew pidgeons, they make for nice soup. But I don't think they are valuable.

IMHO short pidgins, long shrimp. Carp are a falling knife.

If you want to maintain the whole pelt, you calm it down and hold it up by it's hind legs and whack it with a priest (that short bat fishermen use to whack fish, funny name). Hard and fast.

I couldn't find a link, but there's this specialty rabbitry supply store that sells this thing that's like a bar you bolt to the wall with a long bar that's welded to one end of the bar and comes off of it at like a 20 degree angle. You slide the rabbits neck in the wide side and slide it over to the skinny side gently and then quickly yank its hind legs and it snaps the neck at the base of the skull. Even a kid could kill a rabbit this way without feeling too bad.

i have a friend whose family own a rabbit farm. as said they breed quickly and are generally low fuss

stick to your fish and chips

Yes, but I think shrimp are the ultimate low maintenance profit makers.

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Can you give us some links to how you got started? Any good books? Very interested in non-traditional agriculture as a moneymaking venture.

Shrimp: The Endless Quest for Pink Gold by Jack Rudloe


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I am the premier shrimp farmer along the Ohio River. If you think you can come around my neck of the woods and sell your bullshit shrimp. Just know, I have studied the blade and the street sweeper. Your blood is on your own hands.

You will be sleeping with the shrimpies.

>Pink Gold

Holy shit, kek. Thanks, bro! I will check it out for sure!

At least you didn't fall for the freight broker meme.

Time for a shrimp turf war then. I treadmill my shrimp every day for 4 hours. My shrimp are ripped.

blessed thread. my shrimp farm is going nicely thanks for asking. i have 23 zebra shrimp going atm. comfy af

The best thing is that you can walk them like dogs

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My shrimp can talk, it's weird AF but they tell me to market buy Kleros daily. I'm running out of FIAT. I need help.

I got some red cherry breeders going on right now

Rabbits are easy to take care of and they taste great. This or goats.

the triads agree