Just 10x 4 times...
If I study options and trade with good risk management can I be WSBgod (except real)?
just be like me desu. this is unironically what happens when you play options.
>the $200 is what I just deposited a few days ago to buy stonks instead of being a degenerate moron 2 times in a row
Why didn't you cut your losses... risk management bro
>what is hedging
Never change biz.
Options are so damn risky. You have to 100% certain. Not 99.9%, 100%. In this market, you've got balls of steel if you're going options.
Good luck.
Your direction has to be right, AND your timing. It took me years to get that. Friday I made a play on Docusign calls, ended up taking profit at 30% instead of getting greedy wanting 50%, guess what? It tanked 5 minutes later from IV crush.
Get smart or get got
Yeah that's good. I feel like I would be even more conservative than that. 20% maybe. And cut losses at like 10% max. So then it's just up to hit rate / selection of plays and you're not subject to the giant swings that blow people out to -80% all time
Yes, you have to watch some positions like a hawk. I'm talking, 10 minute hold times. Look at what happened to Zoom on Friday, one Facebook announcement wiped out tons of Zoom call holders
You can set up stop-loss and take-profit can't you? Or will they slip
>the $200 is what I just deposited a few days ago to buy stonks instead of being a degenerate moron 2 times in a row
Buying stocks with $200 wont do shit, your definitely going to blow it on options
does anyone have a quick intro to options that doesn't assume you either are a retard or have a background on finances and shit?
Buy JC Pennt January 2021 5 dollar calls. Your welcome check em
Options are so easy bruh. Buy calls when it goes up. Then sell otm calls when it peaks. Use that money and buy puts when it goes down. Then sell puts and buy calls with free money When it goes up. So obvious.
ok, but what happens when I buy leveraged puts or calls and price goes the wrong way? do I owe the broker?
Stick with LEAPS brehs. You may not have the ‘lotto’ effect of 400% swings but you can swing some ‘easy’ 10-20% gains on a semi-regular basis if you’re patient.
Nah bruh. If it goes the wrong way sell the wrong way and buy the right way. This is million dollar info I’m giving you for free dawg.
I used to be afraid of options until I found out you can just have retarded gamblers pay you every month for the right to buy your stock higher than you bought it. Idgaf about other options.
Stock I already want to hold forever and will likely never shoot up or down + covered call evey two weeks = I don't know why, but some retard literally puts money straight in my pocket and I agree to shit in his hand if he asks. Oh and he has to pay me for the shit too. God bless you retarded call buyers.
cool, thanks. I'll deposit a couple of million $$$ in my RH account ASAP!
Where can i learn how to do this shit? Do i keep lurking on biz? Is there a youtuber with some good intro vids on this? I have no idea what you guys are talking about but I want to learn. How much should i invest in stocks as a novice? I can part with a couple hundred if it shows me the ropes.
So did wsbgod get exposed as a fraud or what?
> MSFT 200c 5/15
> CLR 10p 5/1
> DAL 17p 5/1
Rate my picks bros
> Was WSBGod jartek?
No, but it was heavily implied. They posted some huffy message and fucked off, closing the chapter on another bunch of retarded shenanigans that will be promptly forgotten when the next retard yolo either blows up or makes a million.
what kind of inside info do you have? seems they're on the brink of bankruptcy.
A stop-loss triggers AFTER a you cross the threshold price, not immediately at the threshold price. This means all of the stop-losses with the same idea as you trigger at the same time as yours, and you’re all competing for liquidity. If there’s a sizeable order that’s been on the book longer than yours at the same price (assuming a fifo market), and it sucks up all the order book, you are likely to get shafted and take some heavy losses. Suggest you look into microstructure of whatever market you’re trading in before you try this strategy, as lots of the options marketplaces are blind books and you don’t know who you’re up against until orders convert to market.
>10x 4 times
>risk management
What does high risk, high reward mean to you?
Just trade defensively but often and make good picks
Sure the first might have to be a YOLO so what
You can set it above your price then, if i'm down 8%, market sell, where your imagined stop loss is really 10%
Will that not work?
Sure, if you’re sitting around watching prices like a hawk so you can place a market order when the 8% drop threshold triggers. The point of the stop loss is not having to sit around all day watching and waiting for the loss to hit your threshold. If you place your stop-loss at the 8% drop threshold then you run into the same problem of there being orders on the book at that price as well. You just never know.
As an aside, a big problem could arise if in between your 8% drop threshold and current market price there are a ton of orders on the book that trigger. Then, we have a ton of market sells popping up at once that can push the price down even further and at a faster pace. Your market order would be behind all of the intermediate orders in priority. Once all those orders get filled, you could be looking at a market price down [30]% (not all that uncommon with options) and then you end up getting stuck with that price, if that makes sense.
Really helps to just know the structure of whatever market you’re trading in.
>market pumped on the 13th
>TVIX dipped
>market pumped on the 20th
>TVIX spiked
What the hell? How the fuck does TVIX work
You don't have to watch it, it can be a conditional market sell
Does that much slippage happen? What if you're only in relatively liquid contracts?
as far as i understand, options aren't investments. it's just gambling/betting the price. might as well go to a casino and roll the dice.
There’s no panacea yes or no to those questions really, it depends on what’s going on in the market - which you can’t always predict. I’ve seen relatively liquid contracts slip like hell and I’ve seen people get lucky in illiquid contracts and have ‘em fill immediately.
There are some models you can run to predict liquidity @ various pricing scenarios but at the end of the day they’re just that - models.
All part of the risk of playing the market I guess.