/PMG/ You'll Cowards Don't Even Post Threads

Bullion Dealers




>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid
Magnets, how do they work?

youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan
youtube.com/channel/UCqmToXM7x2tD7-2rs0KvObA Silver Bullion TV
youtube.com/channel/UCXPvtSNFvh9FJrwN02crJ_A money metals exchange podcast
youtube.com/user/whygoldandsilver mike maloney's channel
youtube.com/channel/UClzSFvylrK8ij3KVwrHzjdA As Good As Gold Australia

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Big Santa Anita Canyon/@34.1957404,-118.0223679,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOEP2RYJE2iLmZ6y0-ptJn8KI13uS7996rrGpn-!2e10!3e12!6shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOEP2RYJE2iLmZ6y0-ptJn8KI13uS7996rrGpn-=w86-h114-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x80c3270edf57ff2f:0xda8e11ced2b64192!2sAzusa River Wilderness Park!8m2!3d34.1609845!4d-117.8925906!3m4!1s0x0:0x25fc4f860c696622!8m2!3d34.1957416!4d-118.022368

Self bumping with a story.

Yesterday, I am on ebay bidding on an ounce bar, I have $35 in gift cards that I think will allow me to big high and still get a good price. I put in a bid that would put the strike price at 5% premium over estimating the gift cards will lower my bid to a respectable 3.5% over spot. I win the auction. As I am going to close out, i find out you can't use gift cards on bullion for some bullshit reason. I understand when credit cards prohibit buying gift cards or lottery tickets to avoid revolving purchases to ramp up rewards, but why would using gift cards to pay for a purchase be restricted to non-bullion. It's like the "happy merchants" at ebay never want their scrip used for anything that might go up in value.

Are silver premiums worth it? I'd be paying $38 aud for 1oz silver

Attached: 1587412666439.jpg (249x243, 8.36K)

It depends on the premium, DESU. a sub 20% premium over spot is great, especially if you expect the price to go up. OTOH a premium between 20-30% over spot is common and a premium of 30%+ is highway robbery. Especially as silver is not seeing a real bull charge like gold.

If I bought several batbois and added some cheap rubies to the eyes could I sell them as coronavirus commemoratives for profit?

Attached: 2020-national-park-of-american-samoa-america-the-beautiful-5-oz-silver-coin-11.jpg (500x500, 67.66K)

On ebay maybe.

What's your goal? Why are you investing in silver? And what's your time frame?


I'm guessing they jew the seller somehow when you pay with a gift card or theres a risk of it being fraudulent, but who knows

uh cuz the petrdollar is finished. silver is not an investment it is real money and real savings.

would you buy gold at these prices? I want some but I think it will dump before it pumps again.

welcome to technocracy. There are many items that are not allowed to be bought or sold on ebay/amazon + if you have credit in your account they can also close your account and confiscate the funds because it is not money. The same can be said about your gift card. They already got the money and now they do whatever they want with your (((credit*))). Good story though

*terms and conditions apply. Accept our user agreement

im getting coronabux payment from govt., gonna have an extra 400 ish to throw around every 2 weeks, i want to invest it all and i think stacking is a good choice

That doesn't really answer the time frame question. I mean what kind of time frame are you looking to sell in? If you're not making a profit, or if you're down a bit in six months, are you going to sell? Or are you down to hold for years?

oh, im looking to stack for 6months or so buying some every 2 weeks, then hold indefinitely, or until some major event boosts silver to its real price

Then yeah dude I'd say buy at least some now but keep it a limited buy. The odds that the shortage lasts 6 months are low, but if it's still this hard to get silver in 6 months you're going to be really glad you sprung for a few ounces. Worst case scenario you lose like one hundred euros. Not that big of a deal if you're getting four hundred to throw out every two weeks.

okay bro, i will try my hand in some stacking

and is buying 1/10th oz gold worth it? or is that too small an amount to be a worthwhile investment

Dig a little deeper for a quarter oz.

Maybe a few months ago I would have said nah only at least 1 oz is worth it to get closer to spot price. But now who knows, actual physical metal is getting hard to come by and we are looking at a possible meltdown in the fake paper markets and a run on physical metals that could happen at any time. Could be a few months, could be longer, nobody knows. So better to have one bird in hand while you can still get it

probably not at that point I'd just buy GLD.

what gift card was it, an ebay gift card? a prepaid giftcard?

Don't buy ETFs unless you're just a short-term trader. Read the fine print, you are only the beneficial owner, not the actual owner. As with most financial terms it means the opposite of what it says, the beneficial owner is the LAST in line to benefit. So when the manipulated paper markets finally collapse you won't see shit. Remember that the custodian for the GLD is HSBC, and the custodian for the SLV is JP Morgan. If the longs suddenly want to start taking delivery on their contracts, there is simply not enough physical for everyone (and by a gigantic margin too).

This is directly from the GLD prospectus (you ARE reading prospectuses for everything you invest in right??)
>If the Custodian becomes insolvent, its assets may not be adequate to satisfy a claim by the Trust or any Authorized Participant. In addition, in the event of the Custodian's insolvency, there may be a delay and costs incurred in identifying the gold bars held in the Trust's allocated gold account.

If you really must, look at PHYS instead

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i bought a 1/10 oz austrian phil gold and now it's sold out. even if you go for 1 gram bars they are sold out. it's happening. mines are closing. next big panic will happen when USPS/UPS halts service.

its not that the mines are closing, its that most of the big ones closed to stop their workers getting infected. They wont reopen for at least a month or two depending on how long this shit show lasts. Since thats happened gold supplies to the manufacturers have dried up, and most mints and assayers have closed for the time being.

So here is what I would do. Take the 1/10th oz of gold and imagine you are buying enough to make a full oz of gold. Now compare that price to purchasing a full 1 oz outright. . Doing 1/10th oz of gold you are paying like 2200/2300 if you would get a full oz that way.

Personally I try to do 1/4th oz gold or go with silver or wait for available funds.

What would be a realistic price if silver moons?

If anyone wants to know anything about their local mineral wealth and how to access it, ask it here, I will be making each answer as short and simple as i can so i stop cluttering up PMG for the rest of you anons.

if gold goes to 3k like some banks and mining firms think it might, I would not be surprised to see $100 an ounce silver, maybe a little higher, but we would need serious shit to happen to go any higher.

Oklahoma. Also Maine since I may move there in 2 years.

I like your stuff man and I think many anons to as well

I wouldn't worry so much about it mooning but I would rather look at it as like many say a hedge against the value of the dollar. Historically, 1/10 oz of silver is worth a days labor and that still holds true in some parts of the world, so knowing a likely price is hard to really gauge given we don't know exactly how things will play out. If you wanna buy silver as a get rich quick, may as well find a shitcoin and do the needful, or not. Look to history and watch some of the youtubers to get the basic idea of things.

So if Gold goes to 3k, or rise like 80%, silver is going to rise over 5x its value? Hell, if the ratio gets that low I would consider trading silver for gold at 30:1.

Oklahoma has glacial gold but its so small its basically pointless to go after it. Maine has two gold belts for hard rock which are a pain my ass to try and read about so I ll post you a link in a bit. Read up on the Swift River, Sandy River and Nile Brook are well known for easy fine gold but no nuggets.

Thats only my humble opinion, but i could see it happening.

It was a ebay gift card I had picked up, but I never read the terms and conditions until I tried to used it, boy was I schlonged.

does this mean smaller mines are still operating? in previous threads you mentioned PVG, and the Haile mine which is now owned by Oceana.

Pan Man, would you kindly share thoughts on the Azusa River Wilderness Park area. it's near Mt. Baldy in California.

Tell me about the tristate region of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. I know there is a massive salt mine under Lake Eerie near Cleveland.

How'd I do for my first buy?

Attached: firstbuy.png (701x297, 22.58K)

Hey, if that happens that would move mountains and I can actually see it potentially. Some fringe people think the rate is going to get beyond historical levels which I guess we are all allowed to dream lol.

Does anyone here actually have any kind of experience trading gold/silver? Do most dealer shops do this? What kind of premiums are you looking at?

It would suck if it was the same percentage amount lost as if you sold your silver for USD (taking a 5-10% hit) and then bought gold with that USD (taking another 5-10% hit). Do they make the swap as one transaction with only one 5-10% cut?


ABC bullion are selling 1kg bars in Sydney at a good price but no delivery til june

i plan to pan around here once the lockdown ends, really regret not doing it before:
google.com/maps/place/Big Santa Anita Canyon/@34.1957404,-118.0223679,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOEP2RYJE2iLmZ6y0-ptJn8KI13uS7996rrGpn-!2e10!3e12!6shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOEP2RYJE2iLmZ6y0-ptJn8KI13uS7996rrGpn-=w86-h114-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x80c3270edf57ff2f:0xda8e11ced2b64192!2sAzusa River Wilderness Park!8m2!3d34.1609845!4d-117.8925906!3m4!1s0x0:0x25fc4f860c696622!8m2!3d34.1957416!4d-118.022368

gold is already $3k if you look at 1 gram pieces on ebay which are selling fast. and 1 gram pieces are sold out across all major online dealers.

jmb has a 1/10 oz gold american eagle but it's not 9999 gold. not even 999.

First off, yes and no, currently in Canada, where I am, I believe mining is still considered an essential service so many mines are still running, while i think about half have shut down to stop rural communities they are supplied from being contaminated by their fly in staff from other parts of the country.

Last night i did see that the Haile Mine is closed for the time being, but it was only operating at 50% capacity anyway for mill upgrades.

Looking at my California 1850 claims map I do not see anything of interest in the park, how ever there are over 20 hard rock claims in Joshua Tree national parks boundaries and nearby region. Also Catalina Island strangely enough had a rush that lasted a year but was cut short due to the civil war. I would look there for ore, all the reports say visible gold was being recovered from surface quartz showings on the island.

Honestly I have no idea, but say it was 40:1, I could reasonably expect doing 40-45:1 for a trade but thats just me.

Unfortunately there are is very little info on gold in that territory. Michigan does have a few hard rock mines but they are all heavily staked and very active, gold there is mostly glacial, ground down from the northwest territories and scattered across the midwest. Same goes for Ohio.