Be me

>getting married in 4 months
>transferring all liquid assets to picrelated in the event of divorce

Tell me EXACTLY how to do it. I would guess transfer fiat to something like kraken, transfer to wallet, transfer to other wallet only I hold keys to and store keys on etched metal in a place only I know? Does that sound right?

In before dont get married
Fuck off, I want kids and so does she
Im hedging downside risk
If you can't understand that concept kindly kys

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's a man

i have not fucking idea
but congrats user

>he already thinks about breaking up before marrying
your marriage is already doomed to fail

>I would guess transfer fiat to something like kraken, transfer to wallet, transfer to other wallet only I hold keys to and store keys on etched metal in a place only I know?
take your meds. I feel bad for your future wifey schizo

Bro a majority of marriages fail. Good to be safe economically speaking.

it's not much of a marriage if you can't trust your wife to not take half of your money

why not just do a prenup? if you have to do this behind her back its probably not a good sign

If youre a man and you dont consider this possibility you are a fool
Anyone who enters into any situation should hope for the best but prepare for the worst
See above

And 80% of divorces are initiated by women
This is common sense
Its literally every marriage in the US
Legal precedent for prenups is that they're effectively meaningless

I'm curious about this too, OP.
would transferring your wealth into gold be a good plan? Also I thought you only owe your wife wealth accumulated after you marry

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Would probably be wise to use both so long as they are in places where you control access eg not a safe deposit box or shared space

There is no legal precedent in non-community property states that says they are meaningless. Exactly the opposite. And the judge is going enlarge your asshole when your ex-wife's attorney introduces bank transfers going to a crypto exchange. Fucking retard.

Correct, it's half of assets gathered together, unless it's a community property state which could actually get OP arrested if he lives in one and chooses to do this. Fucking absolute moron.

The tricky party is plausible deniability, the paper trail is going to show money going into kraken and future lawyers are going to want to know where that money went. "idk lol" or "I lost all of it" isn't going to cut it.

The best bet is to trade/hold, make gains, hide the profit in XMR in a hardware wallet, then withdraw your starting amount back to the bank account. Don't make a big deal about it, don't bring up crypto in conversation, and if ever asked about it just say you dabbled but "trading it is impossible so I got out of there, didn't want to lose my money lol". The fact that $X went in and approx $X came out later provides a decent cover story. Trying to send $X straight to crypto and have it vanish is going to be a lot harder.

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You're forgetting that the exchange is going to submit his information to the IRS, and legally he has to declare that he bought crypto on his annual return. This is a huge shitshow in the US and OP will get caught, fined and possibly even jailed. Not to mention, the judge will most likely award all the crypto to the wife when he finds out how slimy OP is.

He can say he gambled it away on a crypto casino or lost the key.
As for your question OP yep sounds good.

Just put it into LINK, send it to yourself on a paper wallet or myetherwallet address and if questioned say you sent the money to an offshore sports book (bookmaker) and lost it all

so much this, why even marry someone you think its going to steal all your money eventually

Until the yearly documents are submitted by the exchange to the IRS and OP having to commit tax fraud year after year. Sounds so much better than just paying an attorney $100 to write a prenup.

this. Just get a prenup. Have it reviewed by a few divorce lawyers to make sure its as tight as possible. This isn't 100%, but it's something.

> hold keys to and store keys on etched metal in a place only I know
this is something a boomer would do inside their fallout bunker. take meds shizo

Yes, he sent money to an exchange and dabbled in crypto. That was never in question, and he doesn't have to deny it. The IRS doesn't track purchases beyond the yes/no question, they only care about sells that trigger capital gains.

If OP has secret profits parked in XMR and plays it cool, it will be all his. This plan falls apart though as soon as someone gets suspicious enough to demand exchange records. At that point you're hosed.


The question includes holding, which means he has to say that he is holding crypto every single year. Are you fucking retarded?

>are you fucking retarded?
Yes thanks for asking. Also who's to say he doesn't keep a decoy BTC around to justify answering 'yes' to the question? This isn't an easy or safe course of action for OP but it's not as impossible as you're making it out to be.

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transfer fiat to a stablecoin (tether, usdc) on a verified coinbase account, then to another wallet on kraken (unverified false name), switch to XMR, withdraw to cold wallet. this way the irs can only see what you originally put it, which they can do btw and will try hard to pinpoint the price at investment, they can see investments tied to your name if you are dealing with KYC or AML. just say it vanished into shitcoins. eventually when you need to cash out, say the money earned was a gift, or cash out some other way. sorry you are getting married. always remember, women don't have souls and are incapable of love. good of you to think ahead. good luck

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You're missing the point where OP's information on prenups is not credible and that would solve all his issues, legally. No risk of fine, losing his money, jail. And this is only even an issue if he lives in a community property state, which he hasn't even confirmed yet. Otherwise, his money before the vows is his money after the vows.

This is before marriage
And I will have an empty wallet to show this hypothetical judge
This makes sense
The irs doesn't give a shit about buying crypto, they care about exiting
There are a number of in person cash options for selling xmr specifically
Do you understand anything about how taxes work?
You're unironically a fucking mark if you think a prenup means anything
Finally someone who knows what the fuck theyre talking about
Thanks user
My woman has a heart of gold
Which I hope lasts forever
Whether it does or not, I'll be fine

You're literally the dumbest fucking nigger in this thread, stfu while the adults talk

I wonder which happens more often in general and which is a higher risk in OP's specific situation...

>Man loses all his money in a divorce or
>Man loses all his money in cryptocurrency or

also, forgot to mention, if you transfer to bisq thats the best way to do things, but only transfer in btc, and never buy btc from there, only xmr. you don't want tainted coins in addition to the scrutiny you will already be getting. asking for a prenup may add to the likelihood of the marriage failing to those suggesting it, i can understand ops reasoning. some combination of the suggested methods in this thread should work for you.

I would be willing to take the product of those two probabilities for the upside of being married and having kids
Redpill me on bisq