Coronavirus deaths will exceed Dr. Fauci's estimate of 60,000 within the next week

Coronavirus deaths will exceed Dr. Fauci's estimate of 60,000 within the next week.

Lock down orders will end May 1st and are not being renewed in most states.

Is Coronavirus over or will there be a resurgence and more lock downs?

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It's not a man.

Coffee is good for you.

Answer the fucking question you assholes.

Massive resurgence but people will not give a fuck as the economic damage is worse

Mr. Fauci will die in prison

that's a woman.

Nah fuck you dumb thotposter


it's over but will be treated as if it's not over for the next 6 months. there will be "resurgences" and more lockdowns, but not because it's actually not over. make sense?

Dr. Fauci (st)

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Day 9 of Nofap. I see this. I feel nothing.

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I would love to get in on that bottom

>Lock down orders will end May 1st and are not being renewed in most states.
Sauce? How about the economic powerhouses?

I'm in North Carolina and we just had our largest single day increase of cases yesterday, coincidentally a week after large anti-lockdown protests started happening. We're not opening up any time soon.

I've had 3 cups today, so yeah, I'm finna think that coffee is based.

We've been hitting 10k deaths every 4 days so far now and the amount of time it'll take is only gonna shrink

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Day 27, I would probably coom if I got a whiff of her brapper. What's your secret?

Retard corona doesn't really spread in spring / summer. Ever heard of a flu outbreak in spring / summer?

It's over

Day 180 nofap. I feel like ima coom after each thot webm

you are ruining your libido

t. been a nofapper and fell for the meme, fapping is not the reason you fail at life

The rate of asymptomatic cases and COVID-19 recoveries is sky rocketing, and when you look at that data and then look at the ages/preconditions of the people dying from COVID-19, a lot of rational people are realizing that the all-out lockdown orders are just not rational.

So yeah, the "virus" isn't over but end the lockdowns. Government needs to stop trying to trick people into thinking they're going to end the virus and instead take ownership of what they've already done, which is destroy local and state economies.

The new "pandemic" is unemployment and economic depression, governments need to shift focus and do everything they can to solve this new man-made problem.

>as always, if you're a hysteric pussy that is afraid of going outside/going to work, it's well within your right to stay inside for the rest of your life/until more testing/vaccine/whatever bullshit timeline you've created

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that's a man

The second people let up there will be a massive second wave and everything will be fucked all over again. It hasnt even begun

how old is this girl? she looks super young yikes

lol good troll

>lol good troll
>I'm in North Carolina and we just had our largest single day increase of cases yesterday

let me know how many of those cases result in death, and then let me know how many of those deaths were people in their 20's-50's and if they had any pre-existing health conditions.

I can guarantee you a few things:
1) most of those people won't die
2) most of those people won't have life-threatening symptoms
3) most of those people will recover
4) most of the people that die will be elderly
5) lockdowns will continue the trend of increased unemployment
6) increased unemployment will be worse in the long-run than any effects that "opening" will have

buddy, feel free to stay inside. It's a pandemic, I wouldn't even blame you or anybody that thinks like you do. But keeping businesses shutdown is no longer viable.

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"Viability" isn't the fucking concern you capitalist drone. Christ I can't believe anyone would even consider any of this through that lens. This is about the people you're talking about, the same people who you're openly acknowledging will contract and carry the disease, coming into contact with people at risk, the people you also openly acknowledge. It's about not having massive groups of people suddenly die that otherwise would have lived perfectly fine lives. It's not about fucking money.

I think his point is people's lives are going to get ruined either way, but by letting the virus spread the negative effects are concentrated to a small group of the weak rather than damaging the entire population.

does anyone think the second wave of corona will have the same strict lockdowns?
i bet the definition of "essential worker" will gradually expand, with each successive lockdown, until the economy is effectively reopened.
the doctors who think Western civ can survive being shutdown 6 months out of the year until there's a vaccine are arrogant af. its easy for them to say, considering they're still making 6 figures even during the lockdown

I just can't honestly believe people think keeping their day spas and dildo shops open while everyone carries a deadly disease is a great idea. What's the fucking point of keeping a bunch of garbage businesses open if the government is trying to keep people paid? Why not just stop working garbage jobs and demand a real change while we all have a fucking chance?

Literally built for BBC

just like nature intended

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america is built on garbage jobs, welcome to gig economy where 40% of "newly created jobs" are

Youre retarded and your ideas aren’t as good as you think. Also it’s called freedom, faggot. If your ideas are so good, certainly you’d be able to garner popular support. Oh you can’t? Then stfu

Wanting to jerk off constantly and at everything isn't natural you drug addict. Have sex, don't abuse yourself. especially NoPorn.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Bill Gates lab, and I've been involved in numerous secret tests on chinamen, and I have over 2.4 million confirmed kills. I am trained in nationwide quarantine measures and I'm the greatest hoax in the entire US glownigger history. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this #OneWorld, mark my fucking words. You think you can #flattenmycuve by sharing data over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your ID2020 is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The cytokine storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 6 gorillion ways, and that's just with my media induced panic. I’m the invisible enemy. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the NIH and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. T-the second wave will be EVEN WORSE, j-just wait 2 WEEKS t-then you’ll see. I will sneeze all over you and you will drown in viral loads. You're fucking dead(if you don’t give me your dna), kiddo.

You sound like a total pussy

>ur ideas are bad lol
>me free me go out and cough on people and kill my own grandma

imagine being this old

lol did typing that make your liddle peepee hard?

Coronavirus deaths dont exist.
Every single death in the country that has anything to do with cardiovascular problems is deemed a cv death.
Also there is no test for the coronavirus.
It tests for RNA of a particular type.
And that rna can be from anything.
From cancer to radiation damage. Like the radiation from radio waves from phones wifi and wireless toeers.

>We're not opening up any time soon.
This. Also, more stimulus checks pls


Someone with a brain appears, bringing reality to retards.

I agree with You! Today's Millenials have no apreciation of Freedom! I bet AOC and Killary sure love this Lockdown! The Dems will root for anything to destroy the American Economy? Well guess what? Trump is going to reopen it all, and we'll go Better and Faster than every before! Trigger Warning: 4 More Years!

Scottsville, Florida
10th Mountain Division

Get a load of these red blooded patriots

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>being this retarded