How likely is the bitcoin price going sub 1k when the halving collapse happens?
How likely is the bitcoin price going sub 1k when the halving collapse happens?
you've been priced out.
there would be more dignity in your situation if you would just admit it.
POW is dead
Bitcoin will never EVER be above $1000 after the halving.
Bears are literally delusional
Poor you
it wont go lower than 1.3k
leveraged miners will be playing off against lack of new money entering market due to unemployment and recession
plus the market is still exuberant from 2017 plebs and the stupid s2f retards who all think they have discovered the cheat code to getting rich, looking forward to that model breaking
classic thread, half bears half bulls. there's your answer op, no one fucking knows
bitmex leaderboard is estimated at 50/50 long/short too. there's no new money coming in but at the same time no one knows if this is the local top.
maybe we just crab and consolidate but that would be boring.
Very possible. Infact halving always lead to mining decrease and price drop. Except bow we have cheap oil. Thus mining cost to produce btc drops. And price of btc also will follow. Theres an arb for price to produce and market price. Why buy btc when u can mine it for cheaper due to cheap oil prices. Btc will most likely be sub 3k in the following weeks months. Cheap cones for everyone. Plus kim jung un hs 670million in btc that will join the market soon. So more supply. And demand is literally ghost right now. Normies got scammed already and no1 else cares about preserving wealth they looking to survive pandemic.
Btc 3k soon
>Less bitcoin will be mined
>Price will go down
I feel like im being gaslit. This goes against every law of supply and demand. Is this a brainlet test to screen out people who lack reading comprehension and common sense and dont deserve to make it, like with Link.
What does oil have to do with electricity -> graphics cards -> bitcoin ?
Since 80% of mining is in China where everything is cheap anyways, they can still be profitable after the halving.
>like with Link
What do you think of Chainlink?
I think its fundamentals are sound and I can see it being an integral part of the global financial system in 10-20 years.
Who the fuck will buy though with unemployment rate sky high, imo it eill crab for months
Mining stop, projected circulation is reduced, wallets still become lost, supply reduces.
No matter which way you cut it, the price rises.
then why you call linkies basically idiots?
there's simply too much demand. halving will make the price go up this season, mark my words. (((screencap this)))
No, the idiots are the people who can read what Link does, who can see the countless partnerships and integration, aand not invest. Thats my point, saying the halving will cause a price drop feels like the same reverse psych fud as Link. People will panic sell and get fucked, because I have no doubt the price is going to moon hard if you cut output in half.
this is an s2f fan level response
trusting the chinks to be responsible with money, especially loans collateralised in btc is an absolute lolocaust
those miners have so much of their shit on credit backed by bitcoin that everything is about to be rekt by the halving, it's the opposite situation to 2016, gonna be hilarious tho, lookin forward to picking up the bags dropped at 2k
>graphics cards
You're totally out of the loop, buddy. Graphic cards aren't used for mining BTC since years. Miners these days use ASICs (Application-specific integrated circuit).
wishful thinking at its best... I also want to make a lil money off of crypto but whale money and the scam system we are slaves to might shit on our dreams once again.
You talk like me a few years ago lol.
If there was truly demand we wouldn't be going into the halving at a pathetic 7k.
Listen up retard, this is still a bear market and the bottom wasn't in yet
The question we should be asking is,... will alts decouple?
read somewhere approx 70% of mining going on renewables. Even that loser lil bolivar dictator or who started using state hydroplants for mining and confiscating gpus and asics from the pleb who had too high elecricity bills lol. This was cirka 2 years ago.
Btc miners might leech the life out of btc at this point so they need the halving.
If it is as you say it is why would you buy it at 2k? Wouldn't you go for another coin instead?
If people expect something to happen then it is not going to happen. That is why all these people who are invested in the halving pump coming true again are going to get rekt.
3 years user. 3 fucking years and all you did were getting rekt instead of buying.
Possible if Eth2 actually causes the flippening
Proof of stake is the future no doubt
Just bought a bitcoin for under 10k. Feeling bullish after reading about the halfing on cnn
Well the rule is to buy low and sell high
I am expecting capitulation around that price level. It doesn't mean Bitcoin's dead, it means that all of the speculative exuberance and crypto twitter roasties have been finally washed out of the system
then you ride it to 30k
fuck other coins, they're all absolute dogshit