Economy goes to shit

>economy goes to shit
>feds just print 10 trillion (10,000,000,000,000) dollars to "save" it
How the fuck is money even real? You could renew the entire countries infrastructure. You could give everyone 30 grand. You could fund a mission to mars. You could do so much with 10 trillion, and they just stuff it into something that makes line go up? What is stopping them from printing 100 trillion or a quadrillion? Is the economy just voodoo magic?

Attached: us_dollar.jpg (1280x640, 320.07K)

yes, and only time will tell the outcome

It's not. We just use it for the equivalent for trade, goods, and services. We start wars for these pieces of paper

>Is the economy just voodoo magic?

>he fell for the paper having any worth meme
You're just a slave.

>he thinks there's an """""economy"""""
It's just a made up game to enrich the elite.

weve been a post scarcity society for quite some time now, this is just the mask slipping. they keep people poor and/or needful just to keep the economy going. the real red pill is theres no longer even any need for an economy. the capability exists for everyone on earth to live like kings n sheeeittt.

Unironically, the jews in USA had to ruin it again

There is incredible demand for SUD right now across the world. Especially Europe, which is failing.

They can print this much USD becase there is so much demand for it, it keeps its value.

However, after all is said and done, i don't know what that looks like with so much more floating around in the system after the demand goes back to normal.

It might stay the same, with all the new USD backing the shit tier currencies like Euro, being he only thing giving them value.
Essentially, USD becomes the reserve currencie or the WORLD currency, so the market it serves grew a shit ton, which is why even if the double the physical money supply, potential, USD will still not inflate because even double the supply wont satisfy a new global demand.

>How the fuck is money even real?
Its debt. most fagots on here still believe its simply printed. the reality is MUCH darker.

The more they spend the more indebted they are to their masters.
Mutts don't understand that the empire that they brag about was not created for their benefit. The FED is acting as the world's central bank. The Mutt will have to pay by way of subjugation, it's the way its always been, throughout history.

The vast majority of Yas Forums won't understand this post

The mutt pays being being bred into a consumer, and a mass consumer, as it is their sole purpose and role in society.

Thats what all this "stimulus" really is. $2000 a month? they want all the niggers and consumers to and buy the latest iphone or whatever bullshti with it.
you can spend your way out of a recession.

This is the blackest pill to swallow

It never was. we live in the fucking matrix user. welcome.

>weve been a post scarcity society for quite some time now
We can’t never reach post scarcity realistically. Only deluded commies with no knowledge of human nature can believe in that scenario. Fat people disprove post scarcity.

Money is a control mechanism. Those in power (bankers) have infinite money. Everyone else has finite money. Taxes help prevent general people from making profits and accumulating capital, forcing them to work and keep the economy going, while the bankers continually skim interest off and live extravagantly. Bankers are parasites.

>as it is their sole purpose and role in society.
don't forget to die for Israel

The Mutt LOVES debt, ffs I can't wait for the 1st world facade to fall. They truly are the worst of the western countries. Such arrogant cunts.

If they didn't print that money, they could have funded the mission to Mars with one dollar eventually. America won at the international economy so badly that if we don't give out free money nobody will want to play by our rules.

Currency is trust. You need to think of money as trust. For example, why does the US dollar have the value it has? People will say "Petro-dollar", "its worthless paper", etc. The point is this you TRUST that you can trade your dollar to another person for w.e their selling. You're both TRUSTING that the system is functional and will act as a medium of exchange between both parties.

The Dollar is so strong because the US is so strong. There is very high trust that the US will be able to enforce its value in dollar terms. At the fundamental level of economics, might is right 100% of the time. If the guy with the sharpest spear says his dollars are worth x amount and your dollars are worth y amount, then good luck arguing with someone who can kill you. This is the true basis of economics. "Money" needs to be looked at for what it is, you're "buying" or "selling" trust. Trust = your nations currency.

That's also why doomers say to invest in boomer rocks(I have some silver myself so I'm not knocking it). You're not buying it for the currency value of it. You're buying for the TRUST value of it. Humans have traded with boomer rocks since the beginning, so you're trusting that boomer rocks would maintain its "trust=*value*" during an apocalypse event where the nation cant back up its currency price.

Tldr; if strongest man tell you his paper worth x amount, paper is worth x amount. If stronger man kills strongest man and says HIS paper is worth x amount, his paper is now worth x amount.

user, we're able to produce food (real FOOD, not just rice with curry) for 20 billion people now

Explain this to a brainlet plz

No one is printing 10 trillion.

The fucking irony of this post lmao

Kings require servants so no, we can't all live like that until AI is good enough. But we can definitely be far better off than we are now. Milk cartels would rather dump millions of gallon of milk to ensure the price stays high. Its disgusting how much price fixing and shit like that goes on.

welcome to the discussion faggot

Attached: gdp-minus-federal-debt-gross-domes-k-produc-10009-federal-44161446.png (500x323, 40.21K)

You obviously don't understand economics, you can't print unlimited liquidity into the market without inflation and consequences - there are measured responses, interest goes up and down based upon liquidity in the market, there are equalizing factors for capital and markets.

Taking the world reserve currency off of a precious metals standard was an experiment and it worked for a while. OPEC didn't create an oil backed dollar as most like to think of it, but it ensured the dollar stayed the world's carrot while living in America was the world's dream. At the same time the American Navy decided if you got attacked by pirates by defending your trade routes or not. I could write a book long poker analogy, but it ends with America having a ton of chips and giving up the position of dealer.

This. Rats ruin everything they lay their filthy subhuman hands on. DOTR soon.

Because $10,000,000,000 of actual “investment” into infrastructure would immediately imbalance the system. previously low paid laborers would be getting $100/hr. Literal who “Contracting companies” would make more money than Apple and Microsoft while delivering shoddy bridges. The whole system is an illiquid debt-ridden shell game. Guess what the exit point is? There’s only a few right answers.

They didn’t stimulate the economy with the currency printing. They just kept the financial plumbing working, they kept the credit markets from seizing.


Learn to farm food or own a ton of gold.

>Is the economy just voodoo magic?
It seems that way but that's not really the case. Substitute the worlds strongest military and the second harshest conviction rate and the most people in prison in any country. You can see why nobody wants to question the US, We live in an oligarchy controlled by corporations along with the central bankers who have the full power of the US military. US citizens can't do an effective rebellion. The millions who have ar15's can't function and do patrols when their water supply, food supply is cut off.