UBT Soldiers, get in

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Get in Soldiers, cos we are going up and up and up again


14k will i make it?

is this some new adobe soft

Satsgang aka Spectre group pump and dump.

bought 8k @ 15c. plan on getting at least to 20k.

satsgang fuck off i'm too intelligent for you to scam me

I tried to sell the top but it keeps going up

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Top 20 incoming for UBT!

400k soldier reporting in

everyone my villlage so excite rn. chico making the rupee rain here today. very nice.


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Why does the graph show this tokens goes from 38000 sats to 51000 in a matter of hours. Is that shit true?

Well doine fellow General

Well done General

how rude

This comment gets me everytime, its so funny!

Whale here checking in, AMA

Literally the most obvious exit scam

Locked token go back to them.

We all know what happens next.

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Proof or it didnt happen

What's the spread on this thing 10k sats?

Good job generals

Not a single one of my questions asked. This is the same person same fagging in this thread there's not a single real person in this thread

I real sir. My hole village real. These rupee real! Hahaha.

Charlie shut up

user I guess I am not understanding bc I am a more of a crypto noob than you but why do I give a shit about locked tokens and where they go if I'm just hodling my own tokens? The graphic you posted mentions specifically that they don't sell them and they're locked into the framework. Do you have evidence that they are committing fraud?

All you're really saying here is that you don't believe that they really lock the tokens, and then you insinuated that they would sell the tokens without saying so explicitly. GTFO out of here with this halfwit shithead analysis and post something worth reading or don't post.

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I hope this not true. Would make my village very sad.

If you can’t understand the concept of political transparency then you’re a brain dead brainlet and you should kill yourself

The tokens are no longer in the framework after it is unlocked you dumb fuck, the token EXITS the fucking framework and into their big fat wallets getting bigger and bigger

Of course they’ll say they won’t dump it, but they have the key to the wallet. Why would they have a wallet then if they didn’t at least have the intent to dump it?

Learn how to identify areas of exploit small child.

dumping now would be pointless and its not like i want to hold ubt for 5 years
just got out with half my stack at 100% ETH profit to secure initial investment, will consider rebuying if it drops soon as i expect

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