Fuck business school. I'm changing my major to economics. What am I in for?
Fuck business school. I'm changing my major to economics. What am I in for?
Marxist economics
that pic looks dope, what is it from?
Hobbes erotic fanfic
Dumbfuck no serious economics course teaches this, I bet you think universities are a meme because you're too low iq to get in
The big guy is the Leviathan, a concept by Hobbes. This is a /lit/ meme, I don't remember who the other philosopher is, just that it isn't Locke like one might think.
Stay poor
>What am I in for?
Getting handed a bunch of numbers by your business major boss and being told to make them say what he wants them to say
study hard in econometrics -- its the only thing econ teaches you that matters.
Do I need an economics undergrad degree for economics graduate school, or is only math important? I COULD finish a business degree in 'economic consulting' which teaches econometrics and data consulting. But I'm more interested in economic theory and how the world works and how we can optimize it. If I had to choose between a really high income and a job that's intellectually stimulating and rewarding I would choose the latter.
Off topic.
What are your thoughts on "Austrian School Economics" masters?
dude take it from me, I'm getting my PhD in finance. I am taking graduate level econ and game theory.
The game theory is kinda interesting I'll admit, and the behavioral economics research is interesting, but the only USEFUL thing, like, useful in getting a job, is econometrics and data analysis.
Come to think of it, even if you want to be an academic economist and teach, the only way you get published these days is if your coding skills are good enough for you to be a co-author for some other well-connected economist.
So either way, you have to learn econometrics.
I'm not sure you'll get into econ grad school without an undergraduate degree in econ. Those masters programs are just ways to pay to get into on-campus-interviews and get a job, they arent actually interested in teaching anyone anything. They wont accept you unless you have job experience (which means youll probably get a job and not ruin their statistics) or you have an undergraduate degree with a good GMAT.
I only got into my PhD program because I had a masters in Finance from a good school and had teaching experience.
Several years of regret, imaginary bullshit maths (microeconomics and macroeconomics) and econometrics.
Was about to write more about this, but pretty much covered everything
Economics courses are a load of bullshit.
I can only reiterate what has been said in this thread.
Micro and macro are Keynesian and post-Keynesian pos, balanced on entirely unsubstantiated epistemological grounds, internally contradictory, etc. etc. You'll waste your time and soul learning them completely.
Econometrics is useful, but will also drain your soul, especially when you're using it for some case study about why racial diversity in the workplace boosts growth.
Keep to the statistical stuff for a good job.
Study it at home. There's no point in getting a certificate for it. Even study it alongside a regular Econ masters. It'll offset the poz.
Nobody that uses the word 'poz' has a meaningful education in these subjects. Back to
Literally useless.
I've literally taken the course you're considering studying, bigot
even less math. you must be retarded
Kek. I guess I'll just stick to pic related.
why is econometrics struggling to be science? is this still the case? what needs to change or happen in economics to be considered a science?
Every 300+ level class is marxmarxmarxmarxmarx, every 400 level class is MARXMARXMARXMARX, and every sub300 class can be summed up by a few investopedia articles. Go for the "quant" spec degree if you can and take math and statistics courses, maybe math minor, and make sure you ace Econometrics because it's the only important course. Learn R on your own if no stats class teaches you, and make sure you actually know how to use excel.
It needs to become a philosophy.
The proper scope of econometrics is regressing upon itself to be ahead of the curve in day-trading. That's it.
>austrian economics
science is apolitical
economics is not. it has to do with the distribution of scarce resources. The distribution of society's resources is not a scientific problem to solve, it is a political one.
Econometrics is simply a statistical method for measuring the observed relationships between economic variables. In practice, it is a tool politicians use to justify their preferred economic policy. All the math and statistics dazzles the noob into thinking its science and not politics that is telling him he needs to be poor forever.
Small shitty schools teach normal Economics 101 shit, nothing more nothing less. Big reputable state schools teach ancap economic theory where there is no more government, just corporations. Ivy Leagues teach Marxism because they were bought out by the Soviets decades ago and are currently in the pocket of the Chinese.
> science is apolitical
> fetus is not alive
> dick and balls is woman if the owner of said dick and balls has fee fees that they are a female
They are both meme sciences.
If you're going to pursue a degree for knowledge rather than money, economics has to be a better candidate than like English doesn't it?
go for finance or do if the program is good.
low GPA econ grad here, focus on statistics/econometrics or marketing if you are bad at math.
micro is bs. i had a prof say the only proven econ theory is the macro one about deflation happening before hyper inflation. we're starting to see that now.